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Product information

Code abb-889906150607
Select a configuration:
Status: New
In stock: 191849 PCs
Real weight: 0.5 kg
Price per 1 piece :
8.36 $4.74 $
Quantity: + -
Minimal lot:
Selected configuration: Color: Default
Specification: Spicy flavor 500g*1 bag
4.74 $
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Vendor info

Name: b2b-2219143468869fef02
Shop name: 义乌市池尔贸易商行(个体工商户)
Shipping estimate: 4
Goods valuation: 3
Service evaluation: 4
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Place of origin: Sichuan;
Product listing time: Other;
Custom processing: Other;
Add print logo: Other;
Whether there is a patent: None;
Material: Ceramics;
Style: Other;
Whether to import: No;
Color: Default;
Brand: Ma Shi Ye;
Specification: Spicy flavor 500g*1 bag; Spicy flavor 500g*2 bags; Spicy flavor 500g*3 bags; Guangwei 500g*1 bag; Guangwei 500g*2 bags; Guangwei 500g*3 bags; Guangwei 500g*1 bag + spicy 500g*1 bag [2 jin]; Guangwei 500g*2 bags + spicy 500g*1 bag [3 catties]; Guangwei 500g*1 bag + spicy 500g*2 bag [3 catties];