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Stainless steel tank basin drain basin household kitchen thickened eggs and vegetables drain basket leaking basin soup basin stainless steel basin

Product information

Code abb-874160020027
Select a configuration:
Status: New
In stock: 25698 PCs
Real weight: 0.275 kg
Sales volume for 30 days: 3000
Sales volume: 3000
Price per 1 piece :
Quantity: + -
Minimal lot: 5
Selected configuration: Specification: Extra thick, large anti-edge gold basin
Color: 20cm 140 pieces/box
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Vendor info

Name: 美集祥
Shop name: 潮州市潮安区东凤镇美集祥不锈钢制品厂
Shipping estimate: 3
Goods valuation: 3
Service evaluation: 3.6
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Material: Stainless steel;
Specification: Extra thick, large anti-edge gold basin; 304 Big Anti-Border Golden Pillar Basin; Extra thick, large reverse edge (secret hole) golden basin;
Color: 20cm 140 pieces/box; 22cm 120 pieces/box; 24cm 100 pieces/box; 26cm 80 pieces/box; 28cm 80 pieces/box; 30cm 60 pieces/box; 32cm 60 pieces/box;
Whether to import: No;
Place of origin: Chaozhou, Guangdong;
Nationwide/region: China;
Function: Multi -use pot;
Whether there is a patent: None;
There is an authorized self -owned brand: No;
Whether the supply of supply of cross -border exports: Yes;
Goods number: m5231;
Whether to support customization: No;
Add print logo: Can;
Brand: Meixiangshun;
Series: Large anti-edge gold pendant basin/secret hole gold pendant basin;
Main downstream platform: ebay; Amazon; wish; Aliexpress; Independent station; LAZADA; Other;
Main sales area: Africa; Europe; South America; Southeast Asia; North America; North-east Asia; Middle East; Other;
Product listing time: 2023;
Price paragraph: 10-20 yuan;