Catalog Goods from wholesale بضائع من الجمله Packaging Adhesive tape Medical tape

海氏海诺 Handheld elastic waterproof cartoon band-aid, 6 pieces, 100 pieces

Product information

Code abb-869723553017
Select a configuration:
Status: New
In stock: 11111 PCs
Real weight: 0.001 kg
Sales volume: 10
Price per 1 piece :
0.61 $
Quantity: + -
Minimal lot: 30
Selected configuration: Specification: Non-woven cloth, 100 pieces
18.30 $
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Vendor info

Name: 青岛惠诺威生物科技
Shop name: 青岛惠诺威生物科技有限公司
Shipping estimate: 3.5
Goods valuation: 5
Service evaluation: 4.7
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Specification: Non-woven cloth, 100 pieces; A170 Band-tip 2 pieces Large size; A168 cartoon band sticker 8 pieces; 6 transparent waterproof band stickers; A140 Band-tip 10 pieces; Waterproof band-aid, 100 pieces; Waterproof elastic hydrogel balls, 100 pieces; 20 pieces of children's cartoon bandage stickers; PP09 band sticker cartoon 120 pieces/box; ZD92 Economical Nonwoven Fabric 100 Tablets/Box; ZD20 Economical Nonwoven Fabric 30 Pieces/Box; 2 super large band stickers; A162 elastic band sticker 100 pieces; A161 Economical Band-Base Sticker 100 Tablets; A124 Band-On Cartoon Type 5 Pieces/Bag*20 Bags; A169 waterproof band sticker 6 pieces/bag*20 bags; A163 waterproof elastic band sticker; A136 transparent waterproof wound patch 5 pieces/bag*20 bags; A174 PE type bandage 100 pieces; A171 Band-mouth Sticker Cartoon 12 Pieces; Elastic, 12 pieces; A164 elastic band sticker 20+6 pieces; A172 special-shaped combination bandage 18 pieces; Waterproof belly button stickers for belly button, 6 pieces;
Thickness: 0.2;
Width: 2.3;
Whether the supply of supply of cross -border exports: No;
Goods number: 002;
Medicine (weapon) quasi -word: Lu Qingli Preparation No. 20140025;
Place of origin: Shandong;
Whether to import: No;
Substrate: Cloth;
Model: 6 pieces;