Catalog Goods from wholesale بضائع من الجمله Medicine, maintenance Medical care (devices) Medical bag

Disposal use of medical sterilization pure silicone hose hosted hospital elderly infant super soft phlegm absorbers universal phlegm pipe

Product information

Code abb-821139174300
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Status: New
In stock: 248 PCs
Approx weight: 0 kg
Sales volume for 30 days: 219
Sales volume: 310
Price per 1 piece :
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Selected configuration: Specification: Disposable suction tube [No. 6] One piece - bag
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Vendor info

Name: b2b-2212468564888658ac
Shop name: 浙江航康医疗器械有限公司
Shipping estimate: 4
Goods valuation: 4
Service evaluation: 3.3
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Medicine (weapon) quasi -word: Suji Predictions 20162080916;
Goods number: YL0059;
Material: Silica gel;
Type: Use sputum pipe tube at one time;
Whether: Yes;
Style: Use sputum pipe tube at one time;
Color: White;
Hardness: Soft;
Brand: Constant product;
Capacity: One/bag;
Place of origin: Zhejiang Yiwu;
Trade attribute: Domestic trade;
Specification: Disposable suction tube [No. 6] One piece - bag; Disposable suction tube [No. 8] One piece - bag; Disposable suction tube [No. 10] One piece - bag; Disposable suction tube [No. 12] One piece - bag; Disposable suction tube [No. 13] One piece - bag; Disposable suction tube [No. 14] One piece - bag; Disposable suction tube [No. 16] One piece - bag; Handheld sputum suction device [200ML] box;