Catalog Goods from wholesale بضائع من الجمله Pets & Gardening Cat and dog products Dog

Non-slip capacious food silicone stainless steel, pet

Product information

Code abb-811374906799
Select a configuration:
Status: New
In stock: 99839 PCs
Real weight: 0.295 kg
Sales volume for 30 days: 1197
Sales volume: 3222
Price per 1 piece :
3.24 $
Quantity: + -
Minimal lot: 3
Selected configuration: Specification: Gray large double bowl silicone pet placemat-delivery bowl
9.72 $
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Vendor info

Name: 烨霆橡胶制品
Shop name: 东莞市烨霆橡胶制品有限公司
Shipping estimate: 3.5
Goods valuation: 5
Service evaluation: 3.1
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Specification: Gray large double bowl silicone pet placemat-delivery bowl; Black large double bowl silicone pet placemat-delivery bowl; Gray small double bowl silicone pet placemat-delivery bowl; Black small double bowl silicone pet placemat-delivery bowl;
Material: Silica gel;
Place of origin: Dongguan;
Whether to import: No;
Complete automatic feeding: No;
Goods number: A0606;
Number of boxes: 36;
Whether to patented: No;
Whether the supply of supply of cross -border exports: No;
Whether it belongs to a gift: No;
Whether IP authorization: No;
Attribute 3: Silicone Double Bowl Pet Pad;
Attribute 2: Cats and dogs eat rice bowl;
Attribute 1: Bone-shaped dog placemat;
Original description