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Matte leggings with zipper, sweatshirt, socks, pack, clothing, (in stock), wholesale

Product information

Code abb-748092582357
Select a configuration:
Status: New
In stock: 999999 PCs
Real weight: 0.001 kg
Sales volume for 30 days: 18
Price per 1 piece :
1.51 $11.85 $
Quantity: + -
Minimal lot:
Selected configuration: Specification: Double-sided transparent 10 wire (100 pieces/pack); 10*15cm; PE
11.85 $
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Vendor info

Name: b2b-2214568252256e5bd2
Shop name: 广州星汇悦科技有限公司
Shipping estimate: 4
Goods valuation: 3
Service evaluation: 4
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Place of origin: Guangzhou;
Goods number: Clothing with zipper;
Daily yield: 3000000;
Double layer thickness: Frosted double-sided 14 threads, transparent double-sided 10 threads, high-transparent double-sided 12 threads;
Brand: Xinghui Yue;
Main downstream platform: Amazon; wish;
Support customization: Material/thickness/size can be customized;
Transparent material: Transparent zipper bag;
CPE matte material: Clothing with zipper;
Specification: Double-sided transparent 10 wire (100 pieces/pack); 10*15cm; PE; 15x15cm; 15x20cm; 15x25cm; 17x25cm; 20x25cm; 20x30cm; 25x25cm; 25x30cm; 25x35cm; 27x35cm; 30x40cm; 35*40cm; 35x45cm; 35x50cm; 40x45cm; 40x50cm; 45x55cm; 45x60cm; Double-sided transparent 12 wires (100 pieces/pack); Double-sided transparent 12 wire (100 pieces/pack); 30x45cm; 40x55cm; Double-sided, matte, 10×15cm; Double-sided matte 14 wire (100 pieces/pack); CPE; Double-sided, matte, 35×40cm;