Catalog Goods from wholesale بضائع من الجمله Packaging Adhesive tape Industrial product tape

Acrylic transparent powerful double-sided tape, balloon, minifigure, no trace, 3mm, clips included

Product information

Code abb-747881964324
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Status: New
In stock: 7228168 PCs
Real weight: 0.1 kg
Sales volume for 30 days: 46464555
Sales volume: 193201028
Price per 1 piece :
Quantity: + -
Minimal lot: 2
Selected configuration: Specification: 8mm, 0.8mm
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Vendor info

Name: 深圳力和粘胶
Shop name: 深圳市力和粘胶制品有限公司
Shipping estimate: 4
Goods valuation: 5
Service evaluation: 4
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Place of origin: Shenzhen;
Nationwide/region: China;
Whether to import: No;
Brand: LIHE;
Goods number: Double-sided tape;
Width: 20mm;
Length: 20mm;
Double-sided tape, hair band: Yes;
Substrate: Acrylic;
Thickness: 0.5mm-3.0mm;
Long -term temperature resistance: 90;
Scope: Paste and fix;
Temperature resistance: 60; Excellent;
Glue: Acrylic;
Extension coefficient: 1;
Characteristic: Strong stickiness;
Thick meat: Customizable;
Tearing method: Easy tear/truncation, horizontal cutting, direct break;
Resistant temperature range: 60-90 degrees;
Print content: Customizable;
Lying paper type: Customizable;
Roll core material: Plastic or paper tube;
Viscosity: High -stick;
Series: Double-sided tape, no trace;
Main downstream platform: ebay; Amazon; Aliexpress; Independent station;
Main sales area: Africa; Europe; South America; Southeast Asia; North America; North-east Asia; Middle East;
There is an authorized self -owned brand: No;
Whether the supply of supply of cross -border exports: Yes;
Specification: Transparent circular 8mm (0.8mm thick) 100 capsules/Zhang Bai; Transparent circular 10mm (1.0mm thick) 100 capsules/sheet; Transparent circular 8mm (0.8mm thick) 100 capsules/Zhang Hong; 10mm, 0.8mm; Transparent circular 12mm (0.8mm thick) 54 capsules/Zhangyou; Transparent circular 20mm (0.8mm thick) 50 capsules/Zhang Bai; 20mm, 0.5mm; 15mm, 0.8mm; 15mm, 1.0mm; 20mm, 0.8mm; Transparent circular 20mm (0.8mm thick) 50 capsules/Zhang Hong; 25mm, 0.8mm; 27mm, 0.8mm; 8mm, 0.8mm; 10mm, 1.0mm; 12mm, 0.8mm; Ellipse 8mm*13mm price; Transparent circular 20mm (0.8mm thick) 70 capsules/Zhang Bai; Transparent ellipse 8mm*13mm 50 capsules/sheet;
Back material: Paper;
Low/medium high/ultra -high temperature: 60-90 degrees;
Original description

  • Strong Adhesive Power: This ACRYLIC DOT Adhesive Tape Offers A Strong Adhesive Power, Ensury A Firm Grip on Various Surfaces. It's Perfect Fixing , toys, and Other Small items.
  • Transparent and Seamless Design: The Transparent and Seamless Design of This Tape Makes It Virtually Invisible, Mainting the Aesthetic Of your objects.
  • Dual-Sided Adhesiveness: Equipped with a Dual-Sided Adhesiveness, this time provides extrength and durability, Ensging Your its Stay Rely in Place.
  • Easy Tearability: This Tape is Designed for Easy Tearability, Alowing You to Remove It Cleanly and with Leaving Any Residue on your Surfaces.
  • Wide Tempeature Resistance: With a Temperay Resistance Range of 60-90 Degrees, this time is suitable for user in various environments, OR LOW TEMPERATURES.
  • Versatile Application: WHETHER You're Looking to Fix A Toy, Attach a Poster, or Create A DIY Project, this acrylic dot adhesive is your go-to solution.