Catalog Goods from wholesale بضائع من الجمله Medicine, maintenance Medical care (devices) Medical bag

The wound reduction device reduction tensor -free breathable non -woven non -woven non -woven cananed strap skin pulls the fixed fixing and cut

Product information

Code abb-722590693055
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Status: New
In stock: 996529 PCs
Real weight: 0.001 kg
Sales volume for 30 days: 6597
Sales volume: 12000
Price per 1 piece :
Quantity: + -
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Selected configuration: Specification: Polyurethane, 6×7cm, 2 pieces
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Vendor info

Name: 江苏弘生生物
Shop name: 江苏弘生生物工程有限公司
Shipping estimate: 4
Goods valuation: 3
Service evaluation: 4
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Specification: Polyurethane, 6×7cm, 2 pieces; With zipper, polyurethane, 20cm, 6cm, 1 pieces; New 4*8cm (2 buckle) 1 piece/box; New 6*8cm (3 buckle) 1 piece/box; 15×8cm, 1 pieces; 20×8cm, 1 pieces; Skin color 4*8cm (2 buckle) 1 piece/box; Skin color 6*8cm (3 buckle) 1 piece/box; Non-woven cloth, with zipper, 1.5×8cm, 1 pieces; Non-woven cloth, with zipper, 6×8cm, 1 pieces; Non-woven cloth, with zipper, 15×8cm, 1 pieces; Non-woven cloth, with zipper, 20×8cm;
Medicine (weapon) quasi -word: Sutong Institute No. 20200109;
Goods number: With zipper, 6×7cm, 2 pieces;
Material: PU;
Type: Surgical bag;
Whether: Yes;
Style: Profession;
Color: White;
Hardness: Soft;
Capacity: 10;
Place of origin: China;
Trade attribute: Domestic trade;
Classification: Non-woven cloth, polyurethane;