Catalog Goods from wholesale بضائع من الجمله Bags, backpacks, covers and suitcases Backpacks Casual backpacks

Capacious transparent universal backpack PVC suitable for men and women, waterproof school bag

Product information

Code abb-717583189720
Select a configuration:
Status: New
In stock: 15439 PCs
Real weight: 0.45 kg
Sales volume for 30 days: 3
Sales volume: 7588
3 - 99 PCs 100 - 1999 PCs ≥ 2000 PCs
Price per 1 piece :
Quantity: + -
Minimal lot: 3
Selected configuration: Color: Black
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Vendor info

Name: oujia2015
Shop name: 义乌市欧嘉箱包有限公司
Shipping estimate: 1
Goods valuation: 5
Service evaluation: 4.1
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Color: Black; Light grey; Red; Pink; Purple;
Applicable gender: Neutral/men and women can;
Applicable scene: For leisure, for traveling;
Material: PVC;
Style: Street trend;
Cortical features: PVC;
Capacity: Below 20L;
Function: Water proof;
Computer size: 9 -inch;
Listing season: Summer, 2023;
Goods number: 20230509;
Pattern: Word;
Measuring texture: PVC;
Popular elements: Other;
Carrier system: Crooked straps;
There is an authorized self -owned brand: Yes;
Original description

40*50*84, a box of 65 36kg

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40*50*84cm/65pcs 36kg