Catalog Goods from wholesale بضائع من الجمله Packaging Adhesive tape Industrial product tape

Eva foam double-sided adhesive customized for customized strong high-viscosity black automotive fixed markless foam adhesive patches large discount

Product information

Code abb-648211558200
Select a configuration:
Status: New
In stock: 9888673 PCs
Real weight: 0.005 kg
Sales volume for 30 days: 12726180
Sales volume: 6566071
Price per 1 piece :
0.07 $2.63 $
Quantity: + -
Minimal lot: 1000
Selected configuration: Specification: White-round
7.89 $
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Vendor info

Name: szhhjy8
Shop name: 深圳市恒辉绝缘材料有限公司
Shipping estimate: 3.5
Goods valuation: 5
Service evaluation: 5
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Specification: White-round; White-rounded rectangle; White, square; White-Alien; Black-round; Black - Rounded Rectangle; Black-square; Black - Alien; Circular; Square; Alien; Rounded Rectangle;
Width: Custom made;
Whether the supply of supply of cross -border exports: No;
Nationwide/region: China;
Characteristic: Strong stickiness;
Whether to import: No;
There is an authorized self -owned brand: No;
Thickness: Custom made;
Goods number: 4520;
Scope: Electronics;
Glue: Polyurethane;
Temperature resistance: 120;
Long -term temperature resistance: 80;
Double-sided tape, hair band: Yes;
Extension coefficient: 80;
Substrate: Foam;
Tearing method: Easy tear/truncation, horizontal cutting, direct break;
Thick meat: 0.1 0.12 0.14mm;
Length: Custom made;
Resistant temperature range: 80;
Print content: Customizable;
Viscosity: High stickiness;
Lying paper type: Thick paper;
Roll core material: Paper Tube;
Type: High viscosity tape;
Series: 9448;
Place of origin: Dongguan;
Add print logo: Can't;
Color: White; Black;