Catalog Goods from wholesale بضائع من الجمله Bags, backpacks, covers and suitcases Man's bags Men's belt bags

Fashionable belt bag, retroreflective chest bag, protective bag, mobile phone, city style, for running, anti-theft

Product information

Code abb-647333363121
Select a configuration:
Status: New
In stock: 999745 PCs
Real weight: 1 kg
Sales volume for 30 days: 157
Sales volume: 157
Price per 1 piece :
Quantity: + -
Minimal lot: 3
Selected configuration: Color: Khaki
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Vendor info

Name: 豆豆屋童装铺
Shop name: 保定白沟新城盼信箱包厂
Shipping estimate: 3
Goods valuation: 5
Service evaluation: 3.9
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Style: Street trend;
Supply category: (in stock);
Whether to invent: No;
Goods number: ali-624773138153;
Whether to support distribution: Support distribution;
Join the distribution threshold: One generation;
Material: Nylon;
Internal structure: Hidden zipper pocket;
Opening method: With zipper;
Geometric bag: Vertical;
Luggage size: Small;
Function: Wear-resistant;
Processing methods: Soft noodle;
Pattern: Solid color;
Hardness: Soft;
Popular elements: Sewing line;
Punching parts: Soft handle;
Shoulder strap roots: Single;
Outer bag: Inside sticker;
Measuring texture: Polyester;
Place of origin: Beijing;
The latest delivery time: 3;
Color: Khaki; Navy blue; Black; Grey;
Whether the supply of supply of cross -border exports: No;
Listing season: Summer, 2020 years;
Or not: Have;
Applicable scene: Daily;
Applicable gender: Male;
Product Category: Men's waist bag;
Original description


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After the second quality inspection, the goods of this shop are requested to distribute foreign trade customers with confidence, and determine the future with quality!!

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