Catalog Goods from wholesale بضائع من الجمله Packaging Plastic packaging bags Plastic self -sealing bag

Food plastic packaging self-sealing bag spot Transparent thickened self-sealing bag sealing bag Sealing bag Sealing bag

Product information

Code abb-641334485702
Select a configuration:
Status: New
In stock: 9999950 PCs
Real weight: 1 kg
Sales volume for 30 days: 500
Sales volume: 3106
Price per 1 piece :
0.26 $11.85 $
Quantity: + -
Minimal lot: 10
Selected configuration: Specification: White, 80×120mm
11.85 $
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Vendor info

Name: 临沂维玲塑料制品厂
Shop name: 临沂博强塑业有限公司
Shipping estimate: 3
Goods valuation: 5
Service evaluation: 5
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Specification: White, 80×120mm; White, 90×130mm; White, 100×150mm; White, 120×170mm; White, 140×200mm; White, 150×220mm; White, 160×240mm; White, 17.5×250mm; White, 200×280mm; White, 220×320mm; White, 240×350mm; White, 280×400mm; White, 320×450mm; 5 silk: 100 pieces/pack, 8 silk: 100 pieces/pack, 12 silk: 100 pieces/pack;
Place of origin: Linyi;
Material: New material;
Goods number: 3642;
Color: White;
Brand: Other;
Size: 90×130mm; 100×150mm; 80×120mm; 17.5×250mm; 280×400mm; 240×350mm; 140×200mm; 160×240mm; 150×220mm; 220×320mm; 200×280mm; 120×170mm; 320×450mm;
Double layer thickness: 8 silk; 5 silk; 12 silk;
Use: Drink and beverage packaging;
Error: Consult;
Sealing length: Consult;
Daily yield: 10000;