Catalog Goods from wholesale بضائع من الجمله Packaging Adhesive tape Medical tape

3M pressure -sensitive tape 1534 Medical adhesive pheasant breathable infant fixed navel children's skin low -sensitivity tape volume 1 volume

Product information

Code abb-638367332181
Select a configuration:
Status: New
In stock: 876 PCs
Approx weight: 0 kg
Sales volume for 30 days: 3
Sales volume: 128
Price per 1 piece :
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Selected configuration: Color: 【1534-0】Pressure-sensitive tape 1.25cmx9.1m (1 volume)
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Vendor info

Name: 金色福林
Shop name: 合肥金色福林医疗器械有限公司
Shipping estimate: 3.5
Goods valuation: 5
Service evaluation: 4.2
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Color: 【1534-0】Pressure-sensitive tape 1.25cmx9.1m (1 volume); 【1534-0】Pressure-sensitive tape 1.25cmx9.1m (5 volumes); 【1534-0】Pressure-sensitive tape 1.25cmx9.1m (24 rolls/box); 【1534-1】Pressure-sensitive tape 2.5cmx9.1m (1 volume); 【1534-1】Pressure-sensitive tape 2.5cmx9.1m (5 volumes); 【1534-1】Pressure-sensitive tape 2.5cmx9.1m (12 rolls/box);
Place of origin: China;
Whether to import: No;
Goods number: Compressive tape;
Custom processing: No;
Brand: 3;
Model: Compressive tape;
Whether the supply of supply of cross -border exports: No;
Medicine (weapon) quasi -word: National Inspection Entry 20182642129;