Catalog Goods from wholesale بضائع من الجمله Packaging Plastic packaging bags Plastic roll bag

Transparent supermarket special fresh -keeping break -point hand -torn pocket bag food bag plastic bag size and family size thickened

Product information

Code abb-625843424098
Select a configuration:
Status: New
In stock: 27942 PCs
Real weight: 1 kg
Sales volume for 30 days: 13078
Sales volume: 42236
Price per 1 piece :
2.93 $2.14 $
Quantity: + -
Minimal lot:
Selected configuration: Size: Affordable version of pure white 20*30 [950g]
2.14 $
Additional cost
Internal delivery1.08 $
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Vendor info

Name: 安徽亿弘包装有限公司a
Shop name: 安徽亿弘包装有限公司
Shipping estimate: 4
Goods valuation: 4
Service evaluation: 3.7
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Size: Affordable version of pure white 20*30 [950g]; Affordable version of pure white 25*35 [950g]; Affordable version pure white 30*40 [950g]; Affordable version of pure white 35*45 [950g]; Normal version QS20*30 [950g]; Normal version QS25*35【950g】; Normal version QS30*40【950g】; Normal version QS35*45【950g】; Thickened without words 20*30 [2.9 jin]; Thickened without words 25*35 [2.9 jin]; Thickened without words 30*40 [2.9 jin]; Thickened without words 35*45 [2.9 jin]; Thickened QS version 20*30 [2.9 catties]; Thickened QS version 25*35 [2.9 catties]; Thickened QS version 30*40 [2.9 catties]; Thickened QS version 35*45 [2.9 catties]; Everbright [20*30] 200;
Place of origin: Anhui Anqing;
Whether to import: No;
Material: New material;
Goods number: n;
Color: Transparent;
Daily yield: 10 tons;
Double layer thickness: Thickening;
Brand: Yimong Packaging Co., Ltd.;
Packaging level: N;
Bearing material: N;
Product Types: (in stock);
Use: Pack, Birthday gift; Food packaging; Accessory, pack; Daily necessities;
Main downstream platform: ebay; Amazon; wish; Aliexpress; Independent station; LAZADA;
Main sales area: Africa; Europe; South America; Southeast Asia; North America; North-east Asia; Middle East;
Whether the supply of supply of cross -border exports: Yes;
Geometric: Square;