Catalog Goods from wholesale بضائع من الجمله Packaging Plastic packaging bags Plastic shopping bag

White shopping bag, handheld vest, pack

Product information

Code abb-625405239737
Select a configuration:
Status: New
In stock: 974501 PCs
Real weight: 0.5 kg
Sales volume for 30 days: 48216
Sales volume: 784852
Price per 1 piece :
1.17 $0.05 $
Quantity: + -
Minimal lot: 5
Selected configuration: Size: Medium thickness [16*26] per pound
2.50 $
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Vendor info

Name: 拉力王塑料制品厂
Shop name: 揭阳市榕城区拉力王塑料制品厂
Shipping estimate: 4
Goods valuation: 5
Service evaluation: 4
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Size: Medium thickness [16*26] per pound; Medium thickness [18*29] per pound; Medium thickness [20*32] per pound; Medium thickness [22*36] per pound; Medium thickness [24*38] per pound; Medium thickness [26*42] per pound; Medium thickness [28*47] per pound; Medium-thickness [30*50] per pound; Medium thickness [32*54] per pound; Medium thickness [36*59] per pound; Medium-thickness [40*68] per pound; Medium thickness [45*74] per pound; Medium thickness [50*80] per pound; Big red [18*29] per pound; Big red [20*32] per pound; Big red [22*36] per pound; Big red [24*38] per pound; Big red [26*43] per pound; Big red [28*47] per pound; Big red [30*51] per pound; Big red [32*56] per pound; Big red [34*58] per pound; Big red [36*60] per pound; Big red [40*70] per pound; Big red [45*80] per pound; Big red [50*85] per pound; Black [18*29] per pound; Black [20*32] per pound; Black [22*36] per pound; Black [24*38] per pound; Black [26*42] per pound; Black [28*47] per pound; Black [30*50] per pound; Black [32*53] per pound; Black [34*58] per pound; Black [36*62] per pound; Black 【40*70】One pound; Black 【45*75】One pound; Black [50*80] per pound; Black [60*100] per pound; Black [70*110] per pound;
Place of origin: Jieyang;
Goods number: 002;
Color: Transparent;
Daily yield: 99999999;
Brand: Rally king;
Use: Tea, pack; Pack, Birthday gift; Universal pack; Food packaging; Accessory, pack; Baking packaging; Supermarket shopping; Clothing, pack; Daily necessities; Chemical packaging; Industrial packaging; Drink and beverage packaging; Beauty daily packaging; Digital home appliance packaging;
Error: 1-2;
Double layer thickness: 4-5 wire;