Catalog Goods from wholesale بضائع من الجمله Office, school and event products Musical instruments Percussion instruments, musical instruments

Children's percussion instruments, big teaching aids with rope, early education

Product information

Code abb-549943726864
Status: New
In stock: 5546115 PCs
Real weight: 1.466666666 kg
Sales volume for 30 days: 1180
Sales volume: 8369
1 - 99 PCs 100 - 999 PCs ≥ 1000 PCs
Price per 1 piece :
Quantity: + -
Minimal lot:
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Vendor info

Name: 缘来乐器1688
Shop name: 廊坊市安次区杨税务栋梁玩具经销处
Shipping estimate: 3
Goods valuation: 3
Service evaluation: 3.2
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Product Category: Olff;
Goods number: Large rope hit the clock;
Brand: None;
Children's dedicated: No;
Original description

Big Touch Bell

Baby introduction]

1. Material:


2. Color: Gold

3. Size: Large diameter is 4.5cm


QQ Picture 20170503131944

QQ Picture 20170503132006