Catalog Goods from wholesale بضائع من الجمله Packaging Adhesive tape Industrial product tape

Factory supply 3m luminous tape spontaneous light night light strip stage warning light -optical tape fluorescent light tape

Product information

Code abb-546726352451
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Status: New
In stock: 50141 PCs
Real weight: 0.09 kg
Sales volume for 30 days: 10427
Sales volume: 14266
Price per 1 piece :
Quantity: + -
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Selected configuration: Model: 10mm*3 meters
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Vendor info

Name: zmjiaodai
Shop name: 义乌市固合胶带有限公司
Shipping estimate: 4
Goods valuation: 4
Service evaluation: 2.8
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Place of origin: Zhejiang Yiwu;
Whether to import: No;
Brand: Solid;
Goods number: GHYE301;
Width: 10mm-100mm;
Length: 3 meters;
Double-sided tape, hair band: No;
Substrate: PET;
Back material: Paper;
Thickness: 0.18mm;
Long -term temperature resistance: 60 degrees;
Scope: All kinds of fire channels, stage decoration, logo export processing customization;
Custom processing: Yes;
Temperature resistance: 80 degrees; Middle;
Glue: Tape;
Extension coefficient: None;
Characteristic: The darkness will glow;
Use: Suitable for printing, silk printing images, documents, trademarks, greeting cards, indications, linked charts, brochures, books and periodicals;
Thick meat: 5mm;
Tearing method: Need to use a knife;
Resistant temperature range: -10 degrees ~ 60 degrees;
Order number: GHYE-5656;
Product code: GHYE-5656;
Color: Color;
Print content: None;
Lying paper type: Single silicon paper;
Low/medium high/ultra -high temperature: Middle;
Roll core material: Paper;
Viscosity: Powerful;
Series: Luminous tape;
Model: 10mm*3 meters; 12mm*3 meters; 15mm*3 meters; 18mm*3 meters; 20mm*3 meters; 25mm*3 meters; 30mm*3 meters; 35mm*3 meters; 40mm*3 meters; 45mm*3 meters; 50mm*3 meters; 100mm; 200mm;
Main downstream platform: ebay; Amazon; wish; Aliexpress; Independent station; LAZADA;
Main sales area: Africa; Europe; South America; Southeast Asia; North America; North-east Asia; Middle East;
There is an authorized self -owned brand: Yes;
Whether the supply of supply of cross -border exports: Yes;
Original description

  • Self-Illuminating Feature: This Tape Possesses A Self-Illuminating Feature, Making It Visible Even in Dark Conditions, Enhanch Safety and Visibility on Stage or In I ndustric settings.
  • FluoreScent Storage: The Tape Stores Fluorescence and Releases It When NEEDED, ProveIDIDING Long-Lasting Illumling for your needs.
  • Temperature Resistant: With a Temperator Resistance of -10 ° TO 60 °, this time can withstand a wide range of Environmental Conditions, Ensury its functionality in Arious SCENARIOS.
  • Easy Tear Design: The Tape is Designed to Be Torn with A Knife, Providing Easy Access and USE WHILE ENSURING the TAPE's Durability.
  • Industrial Grade Quality:As an industrial product, this tape offers high-quality performance and durability, making it a reliable choice for your needs.
  • Versatile Use: WHETHER it's for Stage Warnings, Industrial Packaging, Or Other Uses, this TAPE's Versation Makes It A Practical Choice.