Catalog Goods from wholesale بضائع من الجمله Packaging Plastic packaging bags Plastic roll bag

Supermarket rolling bag wholesale can be torn full biological light degradation plastic thick connected rolling bag dotted fresh bag

Product information

Code abb-524080289349
Select a configuration:
Status: New
In stock: 6050 PCs
Real weight: 1 kg
Sales volume for 30 days: 69009
Sales volume: 336782
Price per 1 piece :
2.42 $2.14 $
Quantity: + -
Minimal lot: 30
Selected configuration: Specification: 20*30, large rolls of bags, note: Sell by kilogram, please take the kilogram count to place an order
2.14 $
Additional cost
Internal delivery1.08 $
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Vendor info

Name: 安徽国鼎包装98李
Shop name: 安徽国鼎包装有限公司
Shipping estimate: 3
Goods valuation: 5
Service evaluation: 5
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Specification: 20*30, large rolls of bags, note: Sell by kilogram, please take the kilogram count to place an order; 25*35, large rolls of bags, note: Sell by kilogram, please take the kilogram count to place an order; 30*40, large rolls of bags, note: Sell by kilogram, please take the kilogram count to place an order; 35*45, large rolls of bags, note: Sell by kilogram, please take the kilogram count to place an order; 40*50, large rolls of bags, note: Sell by kilogram, please take the kilogram count to place an order; 40*60, many large rolls of bags; 24 breathable holes can be made; 20*30, photodegradable material roll bag starting from 200kg; 25*35, photodegradable material roll bag starting from 200kg; 30*40, photodegradable material roll bag starting from 200kg; 35*45, photodegradable material roll bag starting from 200kg; 40*50, photodegradable material roll bag starting from 200kg; 20*30, order from 200kg for full biodegradable continuous roll bag; 25*35, order from 200kg for full biodegradable continuous roll bag; 30*40, order from 200kg for full biodegradable continuous roll bag; 35*45, order from 200kg for full biodegradable continuous roll bag; 40*50, order from 200kg for full biodegradable continuous roll bag; Other specifications; Printing QS; Other weights/per volume; Priced by kilograms;
Place of origin: China;
Material: New material;
Goods number: 20189520;
Daily yield: 200,000 kg;
Double layer thickness: Advisory Service;
Brand: National Ding Brand;
Size: Other specifications; Printing QS; 25*35, photodegradable material roll bag starting from 200kg; 20*30, order from 200kg for full biodegradable continuous roll bag; 25*35, order from 200kg for full biodegradable continuous roll bag; 40*50, photodegradable material roll bag starting from 200kg; 40*50, order from 200kg for full biodegradable continuous roll bag; Other weights/per volume; 30*40, photodegradable material roll bag starting from 200kg; 24 breathable holes can be made; 30*40, order from 200kg for full biodegradable continuous roll bag; 35*45, photodegradable material roll bag starting from 200kg; 35*45, order from 200kg for full biodegradable continuous roll bag; 20*30, photodegradable material roll bag starting from 200kg; 40*50, large rolls of bags, note: Sell by kilogram, please take the kilogram count to place an order; 40*60, many large rolls of bags; 20*30, large rolls of bags, note: Sell by kilogram, please take the kilogram count to place an order; 35*45, large rolls of bags, note: Sell by kilogram, please take the kilogram count to place an order; 25*35, large rolls of bags, note: Sell by kilogram, please take the kilogram count to place an order; 30*40, large rolls of bags, note: Sell by kilogram, please take the kilogram count to place an order;
Use: Preservation packaging;
National Industrial Production License Number: Anhui XK16-204-00525;