Catalog Goods from wholesale بضائع من الجمله Packaging Plastic packaging bags Plastic roll bag

Supermarket dedicated thickened hand tore food and rolling bag home PE point breaking small large plastic fresh -keeping bag wholesale

Product information

Code abb-522968719061
Select a configuration:
Status: New
In stock: 187076 PCs
Real weight: 1 kg
Sales volume for 30 days: 4334
Sales volume: 88295
Price per 1 piece :
Quantity: + -
Minimal lot:
Selected configuration: Specification: 20*30 (about one kilogram without printing)
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Vendor info

Name: tcjlslbz
Shop name: 桐城市金龙塑料包装有限公司
Shipping estimate: 3.5
Goods valuation: 4
Service evaluation: 2.3
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Specification: 20*30 (about one kilogram without printing); 25*35 (about one kilogram without printing); 30*40 (about one kilogram without printing); 35*45 (about one kilogram without printing);
Place of origin: China;
Material: New material;
Goods number: JL003;
Daily yield: 10 tons;
Double layer thickness: Customizable;
Brand: Golden dragon;
Size: 35*45 (about one kilogram without printing); 30*40 (about one kilogram without printing); 20*30 (about one kilogram without printing); 25*35 (about one kilogram without printing);
Use: Universal pack; Food packaging; Daily necessities; Drink and beverage packaging;
National Industrial Production License Number: Anhui XK16-204-00310;
Inspection and quarantine preparation number: 3402400039;
Color: Customizable;
Customs declaration unit registration certificate: 340896167N;
Original description

              relative!For free shipping products, we choose postal express, daily express, and if you want to send SF Express in special circumstances, you can consult customer service fees. Customer service fees can be consulted. Customer service customers in Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Shanghai and Anhui who purchase volumes of 500 kilograms or more can consult customer service!Issued ordinary LTL logistics self-pickup, and the price is discounted.We specialize in plastic packaging for 14 years, guaranteeing quality, has been rated as a contract-abiding and credit-oriented unit for many years, and Alibaba officially authorized SKA merchant.
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Supermarket roll bag product parameters reference diagram

modelsmallMediumlargeextra large
quantityAbout 360 pieces/volumeAbout 250 pieces/volumeAbout 170 pieces/volumeAbout 130 pieces/volume

Customization tips: 500 yuan is added to each ton of printing a color, and 70 yuan is required to personalize the printing content.
