Catalog Home Appliances ادوات منزليه Small Appliances Shoe Dryer

Dry shoe shoe shoes adult children's home shoes dryer student dormitory dry wet and wet use grilled shoes

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Code 828922880741
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Status: New
In stock: 200 PCs
Approx weight: 0 kg
Price per 1 piece :
3.21 $7.07 $
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0.00 $
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Selected configuration: Sort by color: Adult model constant temperature and quick drying
7.07 $
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Vendor info

Name: 国货甄选旗舰店
Shop name: 官方国货甄选
Shipping estimate: 4.79
Goods valuation: 4.69
Service evaluation: 4.76
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Brand: YAIR/Yangzi;
Function: Drying deodorization;
Sort by color: Adult style constant temperature and quick-drying purple light model [Purple light bacteria removal + moisture removal and deodorization] Adult timed style [Purple light bacteria removal + safety timing] Zengguang timed style [Purple light bacteria removal + safety timing] Children's style constant temperature and quick-drying children's style-Constant temperature and quick drying [Purple light bacteria removal + deodorizing] Children's purple light timed model -Constant temperature and quick drying [Dismog and deodorizing + safe timing] Adult model + 2-meter extension cable Ziguang model [Purple light bacteria removal + deodorizing]+2m extension cable for adult timer [deodorizing dampness and deodorizing + safe timing] +2m extension cable for purple light timer [deodorizing bacteria + deodorizing dampness and deodorizing] +2m extension cable; Adult model constant temperature and quick drying; Ziguang style [Zhuang Guang removes bacteria + removes dampness and deodorization]; Adult timed model [dehumidification and deodorization + safe timed]; Ziguang timed model [Zhuang Guang deodorizes and deodorizes + safe timing]; Children's model constant temperature and quick drying; Children's purple light style-constant temperature quick drying [Purple light removes bacteria + removes dampness and deodorization]; Children's purple light timing model - constant temperature and quick drying [dehumidification and deodorization + safe timing]; Extender for adults; Ziguang model [Zhuang Guang anti-bacterial + dampness and deodorization] + 2-meter extension cable; Adult timed model [dehumidification and deodorization + safe timing] + 2-meter extension cable; Ziguang timed model [Zhuangguang bacteria removal + moisture removal and deodorization] + 2-meter extension cable;
Manufacturer: Zhongshan EY Technology Co., Ltd.;
Goods number: Shoes dryer;
Warranty period: 12 month;