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Wheelchair folding lightweight small elderly travel for simple travel, easy portable disabled elderly elderly aid ware scooter

Product information

Code 826869637900
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Status: New
In stock: 200 PCs
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Selected configuration: Sort by color: [Classic model] -Black-16-inch rear wheels
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Vendor info

Name: 国货甄选旗舰店
Shop name: 官方国货甄选
Shipping estimate: 4.79
Goods valuation: 4.69
Service evaluation: 4.76
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Model: SS-G5;
Brand: Three -eight;
Material: Steel;
Place of origin: Tianjin;
Sort by color: [Classic model] -D black-16-inch rear wheels [Classic] -A blue-16-inch rear wheel manager recommendation- [Classic inflatable tire model]-black-16-inch rear wheels [Classic inflatable tire model] -An blue-16-inch rear wheels [Classic model] -Chong-16-inch rear wheels [Classic]-Orange Blade-16-inch rear wheels [Classic]-Orange-16-inch rear wheels [Electroplating frame-classic model]-black-16Inch rear wheel popularity good evaluation- [classic model] Black-20-inch rear wheel [Classic] Blue-20-inch rear wheel [Classic] Black-black frame-20-inch rear wheels [armrest can be lifted-inflatable tire model] -Black-16-inch rear wheels [handrails can be lifted] -Black-16-inch rear wheels [armrest can be lifted] -A blue-16-inch rear wheels [handrail can be lifted] -A blue-20-inch rear wheel [Hand armrests can be lifted] -Black-20-inch rear wheels [Upgrade Footsteps Disclosure] -Black-20-inch rear wheel factory Recommended funds- [Big Wheel Soft seat] -Black-24-inch rear wheelsType-solid tires] -A blue-24-inch rear wheels [Big Wheel Soft seat-inflatable tire] -Black-24-inch rear wheels [Mechanical] -Ogly Termid [lying/half-lying] with a dining table [Mechanical】 -Sagi-solid fetus [lying lying/half-lying] Bring a dining table [Standard hydraulic pressure] [lying back/half lying] 24-inch rear wheel; [Classic model] -Black-16-inch rear wheels; [Classic model] -A blue-16-inch rear wheels; Recommended by the store manager- [Classic inflatable tire model] -Black-16-inch rear wheels; [Classic inflatable tires] -A blue-16-inch rear wheels; [Classic model]-Red-16-inch rear wheels; [Classic model] -Prauma-16-inch rear wheels; 【Classic model】 -Peese-16-inch rear wheels; [Electroplating frame-classic model] -Black-16-inch rear wheels; Popularity of good evaluation- [Classic model] Black-20-inch rear wheel; [Classic model] Blue-20-inch rear wheels; [Classic model] Black-black frame-20-inch rear wheel; [The armrest can be lifted-inflatable tires] -Black-16-inch rear wheels; [The handrail can be lifted] -Black-16-inch rear wheels; [The armrest can be lifted] -A blue-16-inch rear wheel; 【Ambargment can be lifted】 -A blue-20-inch rear wheels; [Ambargment can be lifted] -Black-20-inch rear wheels; [Upgrade footable models] -Black-20-inch rear wheels; Factory Recommended Models-【Big Wheel Soft seats】 -Black-24-inch rear wheels; [Large wheel soft seat-solid fetal] -A blue-24-inch rear wheels; [Large wheel soft seat-inflatable tire] -Black-24-inch rear wheels; [Mechanical] -Ogly Tab-Solid Tire [Full Lie/Half Lie] Bring the table; [Mechanical] -Segis-solid fetus [lying/half-lying] with the dining table; [Standard hydraulic pressure] [躺 躺 躺 躺 【【] 24 -inch rear wheel;
Manufacturer: Tianjin Miao Kun Medical Device Co., Ltd.;
Additional features: Take the brake pedal can be demolished.;
Value-added services: -;
For people: Elderly unlimited middle -aged and young children middle and young people;
Disease: Disability of lower limbs, bone hyperplasia, hypothyroidism, osteoporosis, fracture of fracture, traction, paraplegia;
Symptom: Unable to stand;
Registration number: Tianjin Nu 20212190371;
Buy hotspot: Lightly folding small wheels Portable beef tendon cushion thick cushion back back to fold and widen the wheelchair;
Medical Device Product Name: Manual wheelchair;
Type of wheelchair: Manual wheelchair;