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Medical waterproof polyurethane transparent invisible breathable wear-resistant band-aid

Product information

Code 810324821534
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Status: New
In stock: 200 PCs
Approx weight: 0 kg
Sales volume for 30 days: 900000
Price per 1 piece :
2.10 $5.14 $
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0.00 $
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Selected configuration: Sort by color: Non-woven cloth, breathable, 100 pieces
5.14 $
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Vendor info

Name: 国货甄选旗舰店
Shop name: 官方国货甄选
Shipping estimate: 4.79
Goods valuation: 4.69
Service evaluation: 4.76
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Brand: No brand;
Place of origin: China;
Sort by color: One box of non-woven breathable type [100 pieces] Two boxes of non-woven breathable type [200 pieces] Three boxes of non-woven breathable type [300 pieces] One box of waterproof transparent band stickers [60 pieces] Two boxes of waterproof transparent band stickers [120 pieces] Three boxes of waterproof transparent band stickers [180 pieces] Five boxes of waterproof transparent band stickers [300 pieces] One box of cartoon children's breathable waterproof band stickers [60 pieces] Three boxes of cartoon children's breathable waterproof band stickers [180 pieces] Five boxes of cartoonsChildren's breathable waterproof band stickers [300 pieces]; One box of waterproof transparent wound stickers [60 tablets] Two boxes of waterproof transparent wound stickers [120 pieces] Three boxes of waterproof transparent wound stickers [180 pieces] Five boxes of waterproof transparent wound stickers [300 pieces] A box of non -wenpro -breathable [100 tablets] Two boxes of non -woven fabric breathability [200 tablets] Three boxes of non -woven fabric breathability [300 tablets] One box of cartoon children's breathable waterproof wound stickers [60 pieces] three boxes of cartoon children's breathable waterproof wound stickers [180 tablets] five box cartoonChildren's breathable waterproof wound stickers [300 pieces]; Non-woven cloth, breathable, 100 pieces; Non-woven cloth, breathable, 200 pieces; Non-woven cloth, breathable, 300 pieces; A box of waterproof transparent wound stickers [60 pieces]; Two boxes of waterproof transparent wound stickers [120 pieces]; Three boxes of waterproof transparent wound stickers [180 pieces]; Five boxes of waterproof transparent wound stickers [300 pieces]; A box of cartoon children's breathable waterproof wound stickers [60 pieces]; Cartoon, breathable, 180 pieces; Cartoon, breathable, 300 pieces;
Price tag: 12;
Listing time: 2023;
Goods number: JHCKT;
First aid supplies: Tourniquet;