Catalog Tableware, kitchenware ادوات طعام ,ادوات مطبخ Bar accessories Corkscrews

Bottle opener, universal bottle cap, screwdriver

Product information

Code 808008051289
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Status: New
In stock: 200 PCs
Approx weight: 0 kg
Sales volume for 30 days: 200000
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Selected configuration: Sort by color: Multi -purpose opening cover | Easily open lid [1 installation]
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Vendor info

Name: 国货甄选旗舰店
Shop name: 官方国货甄选
Shipping estimate: 4.79
Goods valuation: 4.69
Service evaluation: 4.76
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Sort by color: Multi -purpose opening cover | Easily open lid [1 installation]; Multi-purpose open cover [Buy one get-] -2 installation-; Multi-purpose open cover [Buy one get one get two] -3 installation-; Multi-purpose open cover [Buy one get one get three] -4 installation-;
Brand: No brand;
Goods number: 20240619-1;
Suitable: Multi -purpose;