Catalog Goods for tourism and recreationبضائع السياحه والترفيه Hygiene products Towels

Disposable bath towel for traveling, pack, handheld sheet

Product information

Code 803674565107
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Status: New
In stock: 200 PCs
Approx weight: 0 kg
Sales volume for 30 days: 1000000
Price per 1 piece :
1.56 $49.33 $
Local delivery:
0.00 $
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Selected configuration: Sort by color: [Shoot 1 Send 3] Bath towel*1+towel*2
49.33 $
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Vendor info

Name: 国货甄选旗舰店
Shop name: 官方国货甄选
Shipping estimate: 4.79
Goods valuation: 4.69
Service evaluation: 4.76
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Cloth: Plant fibres;
Place of origin: China;
Sort by color: 【1 shot 3】Bath towel *1+ towel *2,; 【2 shots 6】Bath towel *2+ towel *4,; 【3 shots 9】Bath towel *3+ towel *6,; 【Photo 5 times 15】Bath towel *5+ towel *10,; Thickening 90%菌 sterilization is more hygienic [Mian soft bath towel; 5 items】70*140,; 10 items】70*140,; 20 items】70*140,; Bath towel, 70×140cm; Sterilization【Single Print Set; 1 Package] Thickened and enlarged,; 2 packings] Thickened and enlarged,; Sterilization [Double Print Set; 【Essential for business trip】✅ 1 bag of compressed towels (30*60cm),; 【Essential for business trip】✅ Compressed towels 2 bags 28 capsules (30*60cm),; ✅Portuguese compressed bath towel✅; 70×140cm; Thickened by 90%✅; 【Mian soft towel; 1 pack/2 pieces】30*60,; Mian soft towel; 1,; Thicked 90%[Mian soft bath towels; 2] 70*140; [Shoot 1 hair 3] Towel*1+towels*2 [Taking 2 rounds 6] Towel*2+towels*4 [Shoot 3 hair 9] Towel*3+towel*6 [5 rounds 15] Bath towel*5+towels*10 Thickening 90%灭 Sterilizer is more hygienic [5 puppet bath towels] 70*140 thickened 90%sterilization is more hygienic [10 pieces of cotton towels] 70*140 thickened 90%sterilization and more hygienic [Twenty of Mianrou bath towels] 70*140 100%sticky fiber [ultra -thick ✅ bath towels 5 pack] 70*140cm 100%sticky fiber [ultra -thick ✅ towel 10 pack] 70*140cm sterilization [single print set 1 pack] plusThick Sterilizer [Single Printing Set 2 Packaging] Thicked and Sterilizer [Double Printing Set 1 Packaging] Thicked and Sterilizer [Double Printing Set 2 Packaging] Thicked and increased [Mustful Traveling]Compressed towels and 14 capsules (30*60cm) [Essentials for business trips] ✅ 28 pings (30*60cm) of compressed towels (30*60cm) ✅ Portable compressed bath towels ✅ 5 installations (70*140cm)(70*140cm) Thicker 90%✅ [1 pack/2 pieces of cotton towels] 30*60 soft towel 1 thickened 90%[Mianrou bath towel 2] 70*140; [Shoot 1 Send 3] Bath towel*1+towel*2; [Taking 2 hair 6] Towel*2+towel*4; [3 rounds 9] Towel*3+towel*6; [5 rounds 15] Bath towel*5+towel*10; Thicker 90%菌 Sterilizer is more hygienic [5 sterilizers 5] 70*140; Thicker 90%菌 Sterilizer is more hygienic [10 of the soft bath towels] 70*140; Thicker 90%菌 Sterilizer is more hygienic [20 pieces of soft bath towels] 70*140; Sterilizer [Single Printing Set 1 Packaging] Thicked and increased; Sterilizer [Single Printing Set 2 Packaging] Thicked and increased; Sterilizer [Double Printing Set 1 Packaging] Thicked thickened and increased; Sterilizer [Double Printing Set 2 Packaging] Thicked thickened and increased; Towel for traveling, 30×60cm; Handheld bath towel, 70×140cm; Thicker 90%绵 [1 pack/2 pieces of cotton towels/2] 30*60; Mianrou towel 1; Thicker 90%[2 cotton tuins 2] 70*140;
Whether: Yes;
Listing time: 2024 years;
Goods number: maojin06;
Whether to do the same mall: No;
Sales channel type: Pure e -commerce (only online sales);
Brand: No brand;