
Chinese New Year

Asian countries celebrate New Year differently from other countries. They live according to the Eastern calendar. The main holiday of the year comes on the second new moon after the winter solstice. Therefore, Chinese New Year always comes after ours between January, 21 and February, 20.

The holiday’s history goes back more than 4,000 years. This is one of the most favorite holidays among the Chinese. They call it Spring Festival and usually spend it with their families.

The Chinese celebrate New Year on a grand scale and have not changed their traditions for many years. The Chinese are gathering for celebration from all over the world. Festivals are very bright and colorful, accompanied by a large number of fireworks. Various costumed performances with dolls dragons and other various animals participation are played on the streets. Everything ends with the Lantern Festival, especially beloved by the Chinese.Numerous paper lanterns are simultaneously launched into the sky on this day.

In connection with such an important event, Chinese workers will rest for one to two weeks. This means for us delays in orders processing, goods purchase and their delivery to other countries. Usually we warn buyers in advance about this event and possible delays. But if you still made an order during Chinese New Year, then do not worry - your order will be completed, but processing and delivery time will slightly increase.