Catalog Goods for tourism and recreationبضائع السياحه والترفيه Flashlights and accessories Flashlights

Work keychain, handheld small universal flashlight charging

Product information

Code 799427795169
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Status: New
In stock: 200 PCs
Approx weight: 0 kg
Sales volume for 30 days: 800000
Price per 1 piece :
1.85 $204.62 $
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Selected configuration: Sort by color: Getting Start Pu Liang 400W 600 Capacity 6 hours
204.62 $
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Vendor info

Name: 国货甄选旗舰店
Shop name: 官方国货甄选
Shipping estimate: 4.79
Goods valuation: 4.69
Service evaluation: 4.76
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Material: Aluminum alloy;
Place of origin: China;
Sort by color: Getting Started; 400W; 600 capacity; 6 hours of battery life,; Bleak; 600W; 1200 capacity; 12 hours of battery life,; Top; 1280W; 2000 capacity; 20 hours of battery life,; MAX long battery version; 2680w; COB burst light beads; 35 -hour battery life; Getting Started Pu Liang 400W 600 Capacity 6 -hour High Line 600W 1200 Volume 12 Hugs 1280W 2000 capacity Broken Views 20 Hours MAX long battery life; Getting Started Pu Liang 400W 600 Capacity 6 -hour Powder with 1280W 2000 capacity Endurance 20 hours High Liang 600W 1200 capacity Bent 12 -hour MAX long battery life 2680W COB Black Lighting Pearl 35 hours 35 hours; 6 -hour battery life; 12 -hour battery life; 20 -hour battery life; Getting Start Pu Liang 400W 600 Capacity 6 hours; Hao Liang 600W 1200 capacity battery life 12 hours; Top with 1280W 2000 capacity battery life 20 hours; MAX long battery life 2680w Cob burst lighting bead battery life 35 hours;
Weight: 45g;
Charging mode: Type-C;
Applicable environment: Flaw detection,; On foot,; Camping,; Night riding,; Daily carry,; Cave; Detective hiking camping night ride daily carrying cave; Flaw detection; For hiking; For camping; Night ride; Daily carrier;
Maximum range: 200 (inclusive) -500M (excluding);
Continuous lighting time: Depending on the battery situation;
Price tag: 68;
Whether waterproof: Yes;
Whether to focus: No;
Whether to charge: Yes;
Listing time: 2024 years;
Goods number: F111;
Maximum brightness (maximum light flux): 350 lumens and above;
Charging time: Depending on the battery situation;
Usage time: Depending on the battery situation;
Gear: 2-gear-4;
Types of light bulbs and accessories: LED;
Sports outdoor project: Outdoor lighting,; Jade lamp,; Patrol,; Circuit maintenance,; On foot,; Chasing the sea,; Morning inspection,; Fishing,; Camping,; Self -driving tour; Outdoor lighting Jade Lantern patrol circuit Maintenance Hiking Haixiang Morning Examination Fishing Camping Camping Self -Driving Tour; Outdoor lighting; Jade lamp; Patrol; Circuit maintenance; For hiking; Rush to the sea; Morning inspection; Fishing; For camping;
Battery specification: 18650;
Length: 6.1cm;
High power: 20W;
Can it be used as a charging treasure: No;
Brand: Jouxi/Jiouxi;