Catalog Computers, laptops, office equipment كومبيوتر ,لاب توب ,ادوات المكتب Computer Hardware, Peripherals Cooling Fans

Prism 4PRO fan PWM temperature control machine box cooling 12cm silent fan four -generation 5V3 needle ARGB Shenguang synchronization

Product information

Code 794713171279
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Status: New
In stock: 200 PCs
Approx weight: 0 kg
Sales volume for 30 days: 300000
Price per 1 piece :
9.70 $25.42 $
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0.00 $
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Selected configuration: Sort by color: Prism 4PRO ARGB-Gongbao White [1 Anti-+1 Positive]
25.42 $
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Vendor info

Name: 天天特卖工厂店
Shop name: 天天特卖工厂
Shipping estimate: 4.78
Goods valuation: 4.68
Service evaluation: 4.75
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Model: LJFS0001;
Listing time: 2024-05-11;
After -sales service: Three packages of shops;
Radiator type: Air fan;
Warranty period: 12 month;
Manufacturer: Co., Ltd.;
Suitable: Chassis;
Colors: Brand new;
Sort by color: Prism 4PRO ARGB-Gongbao White [1 Anti-+1 Positive] Prism 4Pro ARGB-Wagmine Bags White [2 Reverse +1 Positive] Prism 4Pro ARGB-Wagmine Bags White [2 Reverse +3 Positive] Prism 4Pro ARGB-Wagmine Bag White [3 Anti-+3 Positive] Prism 4Pro ARGB-Gongbao White [3 Anti-+4 Positive] Prism 4PRO ARGB-White [4 Anti-+3 Positive] Prism 4Pro ARGB-Gongbao White [3 Anti-+6 Positive] Prism 4Pro 4pro 4pro 4pro 4pro 4ProARGB-Gongbao White [5 Anti-+4 Positive] Prism 4Pro ARGB-Gongbao Black [1 Anti-+1 Positive] Prism 4Pro ARGB-Gongbao Black [2 Reverse +1 Positive] Prism 4Pro ARGB-Gongbao Black [2 reverse+3 positive] Prism 4Pro ARGB-Gongbao Black [3 Anti-+3 Positive] Prism 4PRO ARGB-Gongbao Black [3 reverse +4 positive] Prism 4Pro ARGB-Black [4 reverse +3 positive] prism 4pro argb-Gongbao Black [3 Anti-+6 Positive] Prism 4Pro ARGB-Gongbao Black [5 Anti-+4 Positive] Prism 4th generation ARGB-Gongbao White [1 Anti-+1 Positive] Prism 4th generation ARGB-Gongbao white [2 reverse+1 positive] The 4th generation of prism ARGB-Gongbao white [2 reverse +3 positive] Prism fourth-generation ARGB-workbag white [3 reverse +3 positive] prism fourth-generation ARGB-workbone white [3 reverse +4 positive] prismFour Generations ARGB-Gongbao White [4 Reverse +3 Positive] Prism Four-generation ARGB-Gongbao White [3 Anti-+6 Positive] Prism Four-generation ARGB-Gongbao White [5 Anti-+4 Positive] Prism 4th generation ARGB-WorkersBag black [1 anti-+1 positive] Prism fourth-generation ARGB-Gongbao black [2 reverse +1 positive] Prism fourth-generation ARGB-Gongbao black [2 reverse +3 positive] 4th generation of prism ARGB-Gongbao black [3 reverse+3 positive] Prism fourth-generation ARGB-Gongbao Black [3 reverse +4 positive] Prism fourth-generation ARGB-Gongbao black [4 reverse +3 positive] 4th generation of prisms ARGB-workbag black [3 reverse +6 positive] prismFour Generations ARGB-Gongbao Black [5 Anti-+4 Positive] ※ Venus 4th Generation and 4PRO have W-shaped optical patterns on the front ※ ※ Support PWM temperature control speed regulation/can be combined with compound ※ ※Glowing surface is anti-blowing ※ Prism 4PRO ARGB-Gongbao Wagmine [Single Blow] Prism 4PRO ARGB-Wagmine Bags White [A single anti-blowing] Prism 4Pro ARGB-Gongbao Black [Single Positive Blow] Prism 4Pro ARGB-Wagmine Bags Package BagsBlack [A single anti-blowing] Prism fourth-generation ARGB-Gongbao white [Single Blow] Prism fourth-generation ARGB-Gongbao White [Single Anti-Blow] Prism fourth-generation ARGB-Gongbao Black [Single Blow] Prism fourth-generation ARGB-Wagmine black [A single anti -blowing]; Prism 4Pro; Argb-workbag; White [1 reverse + 1 positive],; White [2 reverse + 1 positive],; White 【2 reverse +3 positive】,; White [3 reverse +3 positive],; White [3 reverse + 4 positive],; White [4 reverse +3 positive],; White [3 reverse +6 positive],; White [5 reverse + 4 positive],; Black [1 reverse + 1 positive],; Black [2 reverse + 1 positive],; Black [2 reverse +3 positive],; Black [3 reverse +3 positive],; Black [3 reverse +4 positive],; Black [4 reverse +3 positive],; Black [3 reverse +6 positive],; Black [5 reverse + 4 positive],; Prism four generations ARGB-workbag; ※The difference between the 4th generation of prism and 4PRO has W-shaped light marks on the front ※,; ※Supports PWM temperature control speed regulation/serial joint and parallel socket※,; ※The air inlet on the luminous surface is blowing on the forward blowing on the luminous surface is blowing on the back blowing on the luminous surface※,; White 【single blowing】,; White 【Single Backblow】,; Black 【Single blowing】,; Black 【Single Backblow】,; Black [A single anti -blowing]; White [1 Anti -+1 positive]; White [2 reverse +1 positive]; White [2 reverse +3 positive]; White [3 Anti -+3 positive]; White [3 reverse +4 positive]; White [4 Anti -+3 positive]; White [3 reverse +6 positive]; White [5 anti +4 positive]; Black [1 anti -+1 positive]; Black [2 reverse +1 positive]; Black [2 reverse +3 positive]; Black [3 reverse +3 positive]; Black [3 reverse +4 positive]; Black [4 anti +3 positive]; Black [3 reverse +6 positive]; Black [5 anti +4 positive]; ※ The 4th generation of prism and 4Pro has a W -shaped light pattern on the front ※; ※ Support PWM temperature control speed regulation/compound combination and socket ※; ※ The glowing surface is blowing the wind/glowing surface of the air out of the wind ※; White [Single Blow]; White [A single anti -blowing]; Black [Single Blow]; Prism 4PRO ARGB-Gongbao White [1 Anti-+1 Positive]; Prism 4Pro ARGB-Wagmine Bag White [2 Reverse +1 Positive]; Prism 4Pro ARGB-White [2 reverse +3 positive]; Prism 4PRO ARGB-Wagmine Bag White [3 Anti-+3 Positive]; Prism 4Pro ARGB-Wagmine Bag White [3 Anti-+4 Positive]; Prism 4Pro ARGB-Wagmine Bag White [4 Anti-+3 Positive]; Prism 4Pro ARGB-Wagmine Bag White [3 Anti-+6 Positive]; Prism 4PRO ARGB-Wagmine Bag White [5 Anti-+4 Positive]; Prism 4Pro ARGB-Gongbao Black [1 Anti-+1 Positive]; Prism 4Pro ARGB-Gongbao Black [2 reverse +1 positive]; Prism 4Pro ARGB-Gongbao Black [2 reverse +3 positive]; Prism 4PRO ARGB-Gongbao Black [3 reverse +3 positive]; Prism 4PRO ARGB-Gongbao Black [3 reverse +4 positive]; Prism 4PRO ARGB-Gongbao Black [4 Anti-+3 Positive]; Prism 4PRO ARGB-Gongbao Black [3 reverse +6 positive]; Prism 4Pro ARGB-Gongbao Black [5 Anti-+4 Positive]; Prism four generations ARGB-Gongbao white [1 anti-+1 positive]; Prism fourth-generation ARGB-Gongbao White [2 reverse +1 positive]; Prism four generations ARGB-Gongbao White [2 reverse +3 positive]; Prism fourth-generation ARGB-Gongbao White [3 reverse +3 positive]; Prism four generations ARGB-Gongbao white [3 reverse +4 positive]; Prism four generations ARGB-Gongbao white [4 anti +3 positive]; Prism four generations ARGB-Gongbao White [3 reverse +6 positive]; Prism fourth-generation ARGB-Gongbao white [5 anti +4 positive]; Prism four generations ARGB-Gongbao Black [1 Anti-+1 positive]; Prism four generations ARGB-Gongbao Black [2 reverse +1 positive]; Prism four generations ARGB-Gongbao Black [2 reverse +3 positive]; Prism four generations ARGB-Gongbao Black [3 reverse +3 positive]; Prism four generations ARGB-Gongbao Black [3 reverse +4 positive]; Prism four generations ARGB-Gongbao Black [4 reverse +3 positive]; Prism four-generation ARGB-Gongbao Black [3 reverse +6 positive]; Prism four generations ARGB-Gongbao Black [5 anti +4 positive]; Prism 4Pro ARGB-White [Single Blow]; Prism 4Pro ARGB-White [Single Anti-Blind]; Prism 4PRO ARGB-Black workbag [A single positive blowing]; Prism 4Pro ARGB-Black workbag [A single anti-blowing]; Prism fourth-generation ARGB-Gongbao White [Single Blow]; Prism four generations ARGB-Wagger white [Single anti-blowing]; Prism fourth-generation ARGB-Gongbao Black [Single Blow]; Prism four-generation ARGB-Gongbao Black [A single anti-blowing];