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Hunting pet milk nutrition 0 lactose dog yogurt strong bone cares for the heart to promote appetite cats and dogs universal

Product information

Code 794490170596
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Status: New
In stock: 26 PCs
Approx weight: 0 kg
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Selected configuration: Food: 100ml of strong bone milk (25. March)
Net weight: 0g
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Vendor info

Name: hanat198916
Shop name: 怪物星球的怪物家
Shipping estimate: 4.94
Goods valuation: 4.93
Service evaluation: 4.94
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Brand: Other/Other;
Model: Hunting;
Storage conditions: Room temperature;
Manufacturer address: Hunting;
Food: 100ml of strong bone milk (25. March); Heart, 100 ml, 3 month; Coclinus yogurt 50ml*2 packs; Cymblytic iron protein milk strip 15g*20 branches; [Milk Family Portrait] 100ml of strong bone milk (25. March)+cardiac milk 100ml (25. March)+Cocolin yogurt 50ml;
Country of origin: China;
Remaining shelf life: More than 6 months; 1 month (including) -3 months (excluding); Within 3 months; 3-6 month;
Whether to import: No;
Net weight: 0g;
Manufacturer name: Hunting;