Catalog Health and Beauty صحه والجمال Decorative cosmetics, perfumes Lip Gloss

Lip gloss, lipstick, face blush, South Korea, mirror effect, intense hydration, does not fade

Product information

Code 789716222254
Status: New
In stock: 200 PCs
Approx weight: 0 kg
Sales volume: 5
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Vendor info

Name: 狐狸静68
Shop name: hey!fox美妆(heyfox)
Shipping estimate: 4.82
Goods valuation: 4.77
Service evaluation: 4.80
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Sort by color: Official authorization of fake fake one pay ten; Contact customer service 35!IntersectionIntersection; 03#No flower fruit brown contact customer service surprise price; 12#honey sand orange contact customer service surprise price; 14#1 1 1 Contact customer service surprise price; 18#Nude color zone medicine and fruit limited edition contact customer service surprise price; 19#Limited Purple Dance Dance Dance Fruit Limited Edition Contact Customer Service Surprise Price; 20#brown medicine fruit medicine limited edition contact customer service surprise price; Lip balm, lip gloss; 03#No flower fruit brown; 12#honey sand orange; 14#1 1 1; 18#nude color zone; Drug and fruit limited edition; 19#Light purple dance; 20#brown medicine fruit;
Brand: Peripra/Philipira;
Item: Ink Love Crystal Crystal Bright Lip Brown;
Effect: Enhance;
Place of origin: South Korea;
Specification: Normal specifications;
Types of packaging: Base package, pack;
Whether it is a special use cosmetics: No;