Catalog Tableware, kitchenware ادوات طعام ,ادوات مطبخ Disposable tableware Film food

Pe plastic wrap food grade commercial household large roll fruit beauty slimming weight loss point break refrigerator microwave oven

Product information

Code 789191867871
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Status: New
In stock: 0 PCs
Approx weight: 0 kg
Sales volume for 30 days: 10000
Sales volume: 10000
Price per 1 piece :
1.91 $4.98 $
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0.00 $
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Selected configuration: Number: 1
Sort by color: 【Point-breaking】Easy torn 25 width × 150 pieces
4.98 $
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Vendor info

Name: 国货甄选旗舰店
Shop name: 官方国货甄选
Shipping estimate: 4.79
Goods valuation: 4.69
Service evaluation: 4.76
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Source of the image: Autonomous real shot;
Goods number: 05892;
Number: 1;
Place of origin: Chinese mainland;
Heat -resistant temperature: -60 ℃ -100 ℃;
Material: PE;
Size: 30cmx300m;
Specification: Normal specifications;
Types of packaging: Decoration;
Preservation film category: Ordinary refrigerator preservation;
Sort by color: 【Point-breaking】Easy torn 25 width x 150 pieces,; 【Point-breaking】Easy torn 20 width × 1000 pieces,; 【Point-breaking】Easy torn 25 width × 1000 pieces,; 【Point-breaking】Easy torn 30 width x 500 pieces,; 【Point-breaking】Easy torn 30 width × 1000 pieces,; 【Tearing and pulling】Free cut 20 width x 800 meters,; 【Tearing】Free cut 25 width x 800 meters,; 【Tearing】Free cut 30 width x 150 meters,; 【Tearing and pulling】Free cut 30 width x 800 meters,; 【Tearing】Free cut 35 width x 800 meters,; 【Tearing and pulling】Free cut 40 width x 800 meters,; 【Tearing】Free cut 45 width x 800 meters,; 【Tearing and pulling】Free cut 50 width x 800 meters,; 【Tearing and pulling】Free cut 60 width x 800 meters,; 【Point-breaking】Easy torn 20 width × 2000 sheets (2 volumes),; 【Point-breaking】Easy torn 25 width × 1000 sheets (2 volumes),; 【Point-breaking】Easy torn 30 width × 1000 sheets (2 volumes); 【Point-breaking】Easy torn 25 width × 150 pieces; 【Point-breaking】Easy torn 20 width × 1000 pieces; 【Point-breaking】Easy torn 25 width × 1000 pieces; 【Point-breaking】Easy torn 30 width × 500 pieces; 【Point-breaking】Easy torn 30 width × 1000 pieces; 【Tearing】Free cut 20 width x 800 meters; 【Tearing】Free cut 25 width x 800 meters; 【Tearing】Free cut 30 width x 150 meters; 【Tearing】Free cut 30 width x 800 meters; 【Tearing】Free cut 35 width x 800 meters; 【Tearing】Free cut 40 width x 800 meters; 【Tearing】Free cut 45 width x 800 meters; 【Tearing】Free cut 50 width x 800 meters; 【Tearing】Free cut 60 width x 800 meters; 【Point-breaking】Easy torn 20 width × 2000 sheets (2 volumes); 【Point-breaking】Easy torn 25 width × 1000 sheets (2 volumes);
Brand: No brand;