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Plastic big bag, duvet, waterproof storage system for moving, wholesale

Product information

Code 788111518589
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Status: New
In stock: 200 PCs
Approx weight: 0 kg
Sales volume for 30 days: 1000000
Price per 1 piece :
4.11 $49.33 $
Local delivery:
0.00 $
Quantity: + -
Minimal lot:
Selected configuration: Material: PE
Sort by color: 14 silk 【10】【Extra thick】
Specification: 60x90cm
49.33 $
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Vendor info

Name: 天天特卖工厂店
Shop name: 天天特卖工厂
Shipping estimate: 4.78
Goods valuation: 4.68
Service evaluation: 4.75
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Model: Pocket;
Material: PE;
Sort by color: 6 silk 【10】【Medium Thickness】,; 6 silk 【100 pieces】【Medium thickness】,; 10 silk 【10 pieces】【thickened】,; 10 silk 【100 pieces】【thickened】,; 14 silk 【10】【extra thick】,; 14 silk 【100 pieces】【extra thick】; 14 silk 【10】【Extra thick】; 6 silk 【10 pieces】【Medium thickness】; 6 silk 【100 pieces】【Medium thickness】; 10 silk 【10 pieces】【thickened】; 10 silk 【100 pieces】【thickened】;
Whether to customize: Yes;
Distribution area: Guangdong Province;
Whether to degrade: No;
Specification: 60x90cm,; 70x100cm,; 80x110cm,; 90x120cm,; 100x120cm,; 110x130cm,; 120x120cm,; 130x130cm,; 130x140cm,; 140x140cm,; 140x170cm,; 150x150cm,; 150x180cm,; 10x15cm,; 12x17cm,; 13x19cm,; 14x20cm,; 15x20cm,; 15x22cm,; 16x24cm,; 18x26cm,; 20x30cm,; 22x32cm,; 24x36cm,; 30x40cm,; 32x45cm,; 35x50cm,; 40x60cm,; 45x70cm,; 50x80cm; 60x90cm; 70x100cm; 80x110cm; 90x120cm; 100x120cm; 110x130cm; 120x120cm; 130x130cm; 130x140cm; 140x140cm; 140x170cm; 150x150cm; 150x180cm; 10x15cm; 12x17cm; 13x19cm; 14x20cm; 15x20cm; 15x22cm; 16x24cm; 18x26cm; 20x30cm; 22x32cm; 24x36cm; 30x40cm; 32x45cm; 35x50cm; 40x60cm; 45x70cm;
Thickness: 0.1mm;