Catalog Goods for child care ,product for expectant motherبضائع العنايه بالاطفال والنساء الحوامل Goods for child care All for bathing Baths for children

Washbasin lying flat on pregnant women's confinement hair washing artifact home use lying on bed during pregnancy elderly patients wash hair bathtub

Product information

Code 785347535556
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Status: New
In stock: 200 PCs
Approx weight: 0 kg
Sales volume for 30 days: 10000
Price per 1 piece :
4.08 $710.56 $
Local delivery:
0.00 $
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Selected configuration: Sort by color: [2024 new reinforcement-lake water blue] (send drainage pipe+hook)
710.56 $
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Vendor info

Name: 天天特卖工厂店
Shop name: 天天特卖工厂
Shipping estimate: 4.78
Goods valuation: 4.68
Service evaluation: 4.75
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Brand: Heaven dove/heaven pigeon;
Suitable age: For new born, 9 month, 32 month, 13 month, 20 month, 16 month, 31 month, 17 month, 33 month, 14 month, 4 years, 25 month, 15 month, 4 month, 11 month, 18 month, 7 month, 1 month, 3 month, 30 month, 10 month, 5 month, 21 month, 35 month, 6 month, 12 month, 34 month, 23 month, 3 years, 5 years, 19 month, 28 month, 8 month, 2 years, 26 month, 22 month, 27 month, 2 month, 29 month; 9 month; 32 month; 13 month; 20 month; 16 month; 31 month; 17 month; 33 month; 14 month; 4 years old,; 25 month; 15 month; 4 month; 11 month; 18 month; 7 month; Newborn,; 1 month; 3 month; 30 month; 10 month; 5 month; 21 month; 35 month; 6 month; 12 month; 34 month; 23 month; 3 years old,; 5 years old,; 19 month; 28 month; 8 month; 2 years old,; 26 month; 22 month; 27 month; 2 month; 29 month;
Place of origin: Chinese mainland;
Sort by color: [2024 new reinforcement model-advanced gray] (sending drainage pipe+hook) [2024 new reinforcement-lake water blue] (send drainage pipe+hook) [2024 new reinforcement-lake water blue]+PVC head pillow (water delivery pipe+water drainage pipe+water drainage pipe+water drainage pipe+drainage pipe+drainage pipe+drainage pipe+drainage pipe+Link) [2024 new reinforcement model-advanced gray]+PVC headrest (delivery drainage pipe+hook) [2024 new strengthening model-lake water blue] PU neck pad+PVC head pillow (water delivery pipe+hook) [2024 new reinforcement model-Hao -gray gray] PU neck pad+PVC head pillow (delivery drainage pipe+hook); [2024 new enhanced model-advanced gray] (sending drainage pipe+hook),; [2024 new reinforcement model-lake water blue] (send drainage pipe+hook),; [2024 new reinforcement-lake water blue]+PVC headrest (sending drainage pipe+hook),; [2024 new enhancement-advanced gray]+PVC headrest (sending drainage pipe+hook),; [2024 new reinforcement model-lake water blue] PU neck pad+PVC headrest (send drainage pipe+hook),; [2024 new enhancement-advanced gray] PU neck pad+PVC headrest (delivery drainage pipe+hook); [2024 new reinforcement-lake water blue] (send drainage pipe+hook); [2024 new enhancement model-high-grade gray] (sending drainage pipe+hook); [2024 new reinforcement model-lake water blue]+PVC headrest (sending drainage pipe+hook); [2024 new enhancement-advanced gray]+PVC headrest (sending drainage pipe+hook); [2024 new reinforcement model-lake water blue] PU neck pad+PVC headrest (send drainage pipe+hook);
Goods number: Tub;
Type of pot: Plastic;