Catalog Goods for child care ,product for expectant motherبضائع العنايه بالاطفال والنساء الحوامل Goods for child care All for bathing Towels, bathrobes Disposable bath towel

Disposable towel travel alone wrapped towels to compress and thicken, increase tourist hotel supplies cotton soft water absorption

Product information

Code 784500109915
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Status: New
In stock: 200 PCs
Approx weight: 0 kg
Sales volume for 30 days: 100000
Price per 1 piece :
1.88 $11.80 $
Local delivery:
0.00 $
Quantity: + -
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Selected configuration: Sort by color: Thicked 80%[3 installations of Mianrou bath towel] 70*140cm [Gifts]
11.80 $
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Vendor info

Name: 国货甄选旗舰店
Shop name: 官方国货甄选
Shipping estimate: 4.79
Goods valuation: 4.69
Service evaluation: 4.76
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Sort by color: Thicked 80%[3 installations of Mianrou bath towel] 70*140cm [Gifts]; Thicked 80%[5 installations of Mianrou bath towel] 70*140cm [Gifts]; Thicked 80%[8th installation of Mianrou bath towel] 70*140cm [Gifts]; Thicked 80%[10 installations of Mianrou bath towel] 70*140cm [Gifts]; Thicked 80%[20 installations of Mianrou bath towel] 70*140cm [Gifts]; [Package A]: 1 bath towel+2 towels [gift]; [Package B]: 2 bath towels+4 towels [gift]; [Single -person travel]: 3 bath towels+6 towels [gift]; [Double three -day tour]: 6 bath towels+14 towels [gift]; [Home Traveling]: 10 bath towels+24 towels [Gifts]; Thicked 80%[6 installations of Mianrou towel] 30*60cm 3 packs 6 packs [gift]; Thicked 80%[Mian soft towel 8 installation] 30*60cm 4 packs 8 packs [gift]; Thicked 80%[12th installation of Mian soft towel] 30*60cm 6 packs 12 packs [gift]; Thicked 80%[20th installation of Mianrou towel] 30*60cm 10 packs 20 packs [gift]; Thicked 80%[Mian soft towel-30*60cm 2 installed] 1 pack and 2 installations [gift]; Thicked 80%[Mian soft bath towels; 70×140cm; [Package A]: 1 bath towel+2 towels 2; [Package B]: 2 bath towels+4 towels; [Single -person travel]: 3 bath towels+6 towels 6; [Double three -day tour]: 6 bath towels+14 towels; [Home Traveling]: 10 bath towels+24 towels; Thicked 80%[Mian soft towels; 30×60cm; Towel, 30×60cm; 2 installations];
Brand: No brand;
Material: Plant fibres;
Thickness: Thickening;
Applicable scene: For traveling;
Specification: Normal specifications;