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Product information

Code 779518118197
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Status: New
In stock: 200 PCs
Approx weight: 0 kg
Sales volume for 30 days: 500000
Price per 1 piece :
2.43 $5.14 $
Local delivery:
0.00 $
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Selected configuration: Sort by color: Classic [Hard handlebar] 1 second
5.14 $
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Vendor info

Name: 国货甄选旗舰店
Shop name: 官方国货甄选
Shipping estimate: 4.79
Goods valuation: 4.69
Service evaluation: 4.76
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Brand: Jiantu (outdoor);
Sort by color: Classic [handlebar model] 1 second pick-up and place Classic [mirror seat model] 1 second pick-up and place Classic [handlebar model] 1 second pick-up and place + waterproof bag Classic [mirror seat model] 1 second pick-up and place + waterproof bag Upgrade deep black [handlebar model] 1 second pick-up and place Upgrade sea-clear color [handlebar model] 1 second pick-up and place Upgrade peach pink [handlebar model] 1 second pick-up and place Upgrade sea-clear white [handlebar model] 1 second pick-up and place Upgrade light luxury white [handlebar model] 1 second pick-up and place Upgrade sea-clear color [mirror seat model] 1 second pick-up and place Upgrade peach pink [mirror seat model] 1 second pick-up and place Upgrade sea-clear white [handlebar model] 1 second pick-up and place Upgrade light luxury white [handlebar model] 1 second pick-up and place Upgrade deep black [handlebar model] + small umbrella ✅ Upgrade sea-clear color [handlebar model] + small umbrella ✅ Upgrade peach pink [handlebar model] + small umbrella ✅ Upgrade peach pink [handlebar model] + small umbrella ✅ Upgrade peach pink [handlebar model] + small umbrella ✅Upgrade sea salt blue [handlebar model] + small umbrella ✅ Upgrade light luxury white [handlebar model] + small umbrella ✅ Upgrade deep black [mirror seat model] + small umbrella ✅ Upgrade sea clean color [mirror seat model] + small umbrella ✅ Upgrade peach pink [mirror seat model] + small umbrella ✅ Upgrade sea salt blue [mirror seat model] + small umbrella ✅ Upgrade light luxury white [mirror seat model] + small umbrella ✅ Flagship stainless steel four-claw version [handlebar] 1 second pick and place Flagship stainless steel four-claw version [mirror seat] 1 second pick and place Flagship push-up octopus lock [handlebar] 1 second pick and place Flagship push-up octopus lock [handlebar] 1 second pick and place Flagship push-up double lock [handlebar] 1 second pick and place Flagship push-up double lock [mirror seat] 1 second pick and place Basic [handlebar model] 1 second pick and place Basic [mirror seat model] 1 second pick and place Basic [mirror seat model] 1 second pick and place; Classic [Hard handlebar] 1 second; Classic [Mirror Model] 1 second for one second; Classic [Hard handlebar] 1 second of picking+waterproof bag; Classic [Mirror Model] 1 second of picking+waterproof bag; Upgrade dark black [car handle model] 1 second; Upgrade the sea color [car handle style] 1 second; Upgrade the peach pink [car handle model] 1 second for picking; Upgrade Sea Salt Blue [Hard handlebar] 1 second of picking; Upgrade light luxury [car handle model] 1 second of picking; Upgrade dark black [Mirror Model]; Upgrade the sea color [Mirror Model] 1 second for picking; Upgrade peach pink [Mirror Book] 1 second of picking and putting; Upgrade Sea Salt Blue [Mirror Model] 1 second for picking; Upgrade Light luxury [Mirror Model] 1 second of picking and putting; Upgrade dark black [car handle]+small umbrella ✅; Upgrade the sea color [car handle style]+small umbrella ✅; Upgrade peach pink [car handle]+small umbrella ✅; Upgrade Sea Salt Blue [Car handlebar]+small umbrella ✅; Upgrade light luxury [car handle]+small umbrella ✅; Upgrade dark black [Mirror Book]+Little Umbrella ✅; Upgrade the sea color [Mirror Book]+Little Umbrella ✅; Upgrade peach pink [mirror seat]+small umbrella ✅; Upgrade Sea Salt Blue [Mirror Book]+Small Umbrella ✅; Upgrade Light luxury [Mirror Model]+Little Umbrella ✅; Flagship Stainless Steel Four Claw Edition [Bartbars] Play in 1 second; Flagship stainless steel four -claw version [Mirror Block] 1 second of picking; Flagship push -type octopus lock [handlebars] Play in 1 second; Flagship push -type octopus lock [Mirror seat] Play in 1 second; Flagship push dual lock [handlebars] 1 second of placement; Flagship dual lock [Mirror Block] 1 second of placement; Basic [Hard handlebar] 1 second; Basic [Mirror Model] 1 second for one second;
Listing time: 2023;
Goods number: 35778;
Whether to do the same mall: Yes;
Sales channel type: The same model of the mall (sold online and offline);