Catalog Sports goods بضائع رياضيه Bicycles and repair parts Bicycle Accessories Velozamki

Bike, mountain electric car, lock, chain with accessories, anti-theft

Product information

Code 778397790273
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Status: New
In stock: 200 PCs
Approx weight: 0 kg
Sales volume for 30 days: 600000
Price per 1 piece :
5.34 $308.00 $
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0.00 $
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Selected configuration: Sort by color: Four-bit password-1 meter-send lock rack
308.00 $
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Vendor info

Name: 国货甄选旗舰店
Shop name: 官方国货甄选
Shipping estimate: 4.79
Goods valuation: 4.69
Service evaluation: 4.76
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Sort by color: Normal key lock 0.85 meters/no lock frame,; Ordinary key lock 0.85 meters/delivery lock rack,; Thickened steel cable 1 meter-no lock frame,; Thickened steel cable 1 meter - lock frame,; Thickened steel cable 1.2 meters - no lock frame,; Thickened steel cable 1.2 meters - lock frame,; Four-digit password-1 meter-no lock frame,; Four-digit password-1 meter-delivery lock rack,; Five-digit password-1.2 meters-no lock frame,; Five-digit password-1.2 meters-delivery lock rack,; Top-level big head thick four-position-1.2 meters-no lock frame,; Top-level big head thick four-position - 1.2 meters - free lock rack,; Top big head bold five-position-1.2 meters-no lock frame,; Top big head bold five-1.2 meters-delivery rack; Ordinary key lock 0.85 meters/no lock rack ordinary key lock 0.85 meters/lock rack elastic steel cable 1 meter-no lock rack bold steel cable 1 meterSteel cable 1.2 meters-sending a four-bit password-1 meter-no lock rack four-bit password-1 meter-delivery shelf five-digit password-1.2 meters-no lock-free shelves five passwordsBig head bold four-1.2 meters-top-level big head bold-thicker-1.2 meters-Free lock rack top big head bold five-1.2 meters-top-level large head bold five-1.2 meters-delivery lock lock lock lock lock lockshelf; Four-bit password-1 meter-send lock rack; Four-bit password-1 meter-no lock rack; Bold steel cable 1 meter-no lock rack; Bold steel cable 1 meter-send lock rack; Bold steel cable 1.2 meters-no lock rack; Bold steel cable 1.2 meters-send lock rack; Five-digit password-1.2 meters-delivery rack; Five-bit password-1.2 meters-no lock rack; Ordinary key lock 0.85 meters/no lock rack; Ordinary key lock 0.85 m/send lock rack; Top big head bold five-1.2 meters-no lock rack; Top big head bold four-1.2 meters-no lock rack; Top big head bold four-1.2 meters-delivery rack;
Listing time: 2023;
Goods number: 1162;
Type of lock: Folding lock,; Other,; Password lock,; Chain lock,; Steel cable lock; Folding locks other password lock chain lock steel cable locks;
Whether to do the same mall: Yes;
Sales channel type: The same model of the mall (sold online and offline);
Brand: Heroes of Heroes;