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Kneading mat, food silicone, plastic non-slip light panel

Product information

Code 775092968745
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Status: New
In stock: 200 PCs
Approx weight: 0 kg
Sales volume for 30 days: 700000
Price per 1 piece :
4.50 $308.00 $
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0.00 $
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Selected configuration: Sort by color: Green storage bag, 6mm, 70cm
Size: Food silicone, non-slip material
308.00 $
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Vendor info

Name: 国货甄选旗舰店
Shop name: 官方国货甄选
Shipping estimate: 4.79
Goods valuation: 4.69
Service evaluation: 4.76
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Goods number: sm455;
Size: Food silicone, non-slip material;
Sort by color: Green storage bag, 6mm, 50cm; Fuchsia storage bag, 6mm, 50cm; Green storage bag, 6mm, 45cm; Fuchsia storage bag, 6mm, 45cm; Green storage bag, 6mm, 70cm; Fuchsia storage bag, 6mm, 70cm; Green storage bag, 6mm, 80cm; Fuchsia storage bag, 6mm, 80cm; Green storage bag, 6mm, 100cm; Fuchsia storage bag, 6mm, 100cm; Green [6mm thickened edge] 40x50cm with face cutter with rolling pin with straps with oil brush with rag,; Pink [6mm thick edge] 40x50cm with face cutter with rolling pin with straps with oil brush with rag,; Green [6mm thickened edge] 64x45cm with face cutter with rolling pin with straps with oil brush with rag,; Pink【Tightened 6mm at the edge】64x45cm with face cutter with rolling pin with straps with oil brush with rag,; Green [6mm thickened edge] 50x70cm with face cutter with rolling pin with straps with oil brush with rag,; Pink [6mm thickened edge] 50x70cm with face cutter with rolling pin with straps with oil brush with rag,; Green [6mm thickened edge] 60x80cm with face cutter with rolling pin with straps with oil brush with rag,; Pink [6mm thickened edge] 60x80cm with face cutter with rolling pin with straps with oil brush with rag,; Green [6mm thickened edge] 60x100cm with face cutter with rolling pin with straps with oil brush with rag,; Pink [6mm thickened edge] 60x100cm with face cutter with rolling pin with straps with oil brush with rag,; Green [6mm thickened edge] 64x45cm gives 8 gifts,; Pink [6mm thickened edges] 64x45cm gives 8 gifts,; Green [6mm thickened edge] 50x70cm gives 8 gifts,; Pink [6mm thickened edges] 50x70cm gives 8 gifts,; Green [6mm thickened edge] 60x80cm gives 8 gifts,; Pink [6mm thickened edges] 60x80cm gives 8 gifts,; Green, 6mm, 100cm; Fuchsia, 6mm, 100cm; Purple [6mm thickened edges] 50x70cm gives 8 gifts,; Purple [6mm thickened edges] 60x80cm gives 8 great gifts,; Purple, 6mm, 100cm; Beautiful bear [6mm thickened edges] 50x70cm gives 8 gifts,; Beautiful bear [6mm thickened edges] 60x80cm gives 8 gifts,; Beautiful bear [6mm thickened edges] 40x60cm gives 8 gifts,; Pink Rabbit [6mm thickened edges] 50x70cm gives 8 gifts,; Pink Rabbit [6mm thickened edges] 60x80cm gives 8 gifts,; Pink Rabbit [Thicker edges 6mm] 40x60cm Give 8 Great Gifts; Green [Edge Thickened 6mm] 40x50cm sends the cutter knife to store bag Pink [Edge Thickened 6mm] 40x50cm sends the cutter knife to store bag Green [Edge Thickened 6mm] 64x45cm sends the cutter knife to store bag Pink [Edge Thickened 6mm] 64x45cm sends the cutter knife to store bag Green [Edge Thickened 6mm] 50x70cm sends the cutter knife to store bag Pink [Edge Thickened 6mm] 50x70cm sends the cutter knife to store bag Green [Edge Thickened 6mm] 60x80cm sends the cutter knife to store bag Pink [Edge Thickened 6mm] 60x80cm sends the cutter knife to store bag Green [Edge Thickened 6mm] 60x100cm sends the cutter knife to store bagPink [Edge Thickened 6mm] 60x100cm Send a cutter knife to receive storage bag Green [Edge Thickened 6mm] 40x50cm with cutter knife with rolling pin with strap oil brush with rag Pink [Edge Thickened 6mm] 40x50cm with cutter knife with rolling pin with strap oil brush with rag Pink [Edge Thickened 6mm] 50x70cm with cutter knife with rolling pin with strap oil brush with rag Pink [Edge Thickened 6mm] 50x70cm with cutter knife with rolling pin with strap oil brush with rag Pink [Edge Thickened 6mm] 50x70cm with cutter knife with rolling pin with strap oil brush with rag Pink [Edge Thickened 6mm] 50x70cm with cutter knife with rolling pin with strap oil brush with rag Pink [Edge Thickened 6mm] 50x70cm with cutter knife with rolling pin with strap oil brush with rag Pink [Edge Thickened 6mm] 50x70cm with cutter knife with rolling pin with strap oil brush with ragGreen [Edge Thickened 6mm] 60x80cm with cutter knife with rolling pin with strap oil brush with rag Pink [Edge Thickened 6mm] 60x80cm with cutter knife with rolling pin with strap oil brush with rag Green [Edge Thickened 6mm] 60x100cm with cutter knife with rolling pin with strap oil brush with rag Pink [Edge Thickened 6mm] 60x100cm with cutter knife with rolling pin with strap oil brush with rag Pink [Edge Thickened 6mm] 50x70cm with cutter knife with rolling pin with strap oil brush with rag Green [Edge Thickened 6mm] 64x45cm with 8 gifts Pink [Edge Thickened 6mm] 50x70cm with 8 giftsGreen [Edge Thickened 6mm] 60x80cm Give 8 Gifts Pink [Edge Thickened 6mm] 60x80cm Give 8 Gifts Green [Edge Thickened 6mm] 60x100cm Give 8 Gifts Pink [Edge Thickened 6mm] 60x100cm Give 8 Gifts Purple [Edge Thickened 6mm] 50x70cm Give 8 Gifts Purple [Edge Thickened 6mm] 60x80cm Give 8 Gifts Purple [Edge Thickened 6mm] 60x100cm Give 8 Gifts Bear [Edge Thickened 6mm] 50x70cm Give 8 Gifts Bear [Edge Thickened 6mm] 60x80cm Give 8 Gifts Bear [Edge Thickened 6mm] 40x60cm Give 8 GiftsPink rabbit [6mm thicker edge] 50x70cm gives 8 gifts Pink rabbit [6mm thicker edge] 60x80cm gives 8 gifts Pink rabbit [6mm thicker edge] 40x60cm gives 8 gifts; Pink [Edge Thickened 6mm] 40x50cm sends the cutter knife to store bag Green [Edge Thickened 6mm] 40x50cm sends the cutter knife to store bag Green [Edge Thickened 6mm] 40x50cm with the cutter knife with rolling pin with strap oil brush with rag Pink [Edge Thickened 6mm] 40x50cm with the cutter knife with rolling pin with strap oil brush with rag Green [Edge Thickened 6mm] 64x45cm sends the cutter knife to store bag Pink [Edge Thickened 6mm] 50x70cm sends the cutter knife to store bag Green [Edge Thickened 6mm] 50x70cm sends the cutter knife to store bag Green [Edge Thickened 6mm] 50x70cm sends the cutter knife to store bagPink [Edge Thickened 6mm] 64x45cm with cutter knife with rolling pin with strap oil brush with rag Green [Edge Thickened 6mm] 64x45cm with cutter knife with rolling pin with strap oil brush with rag Pink [Edge Thickened 6mm] 50x70cm with cutter knife with rolling pin with strap oil brush with rag Green [Edge Thickened 6mm] 50x70cm with cutter knife with rolling pin with strap oil brush with rag Green [Edge Thickened 6mm] 60x80cm with cutter knife with cutter knife with storage bag Pink [Edge Thickened 6mm] 60x80cm with cutter knife with storage bag Pink [Edge Thickened 6mm] 64x45cm with cutter knife with storage bag Pink [Edge Thickened 6mm] 64x45cm with 8 gifts Green [Edge Thickened 6mm] 64x45cm with 8 giftsPink [6mm in the edge] 60x80cm with face cutter knife with rolling pin with strap oil brush with rag Green [6mm in the edge] 60x80cm with face cutter knife with rolling pin with strap oil brush with rag Pink [6mm in the edge] 50x70cm with 8 gifts Green [6mm in the edge] 50x70cm with 8 gifts Green [6mm in the edge] 60x100cm with face cutter knife with storage bag Pink [6mm in the edge] 60x100cm with face cutter knife with storage bag Pink [6mm in the edge] 60x80cm with face cutter knife with storage bag Pink [6mm in the edge] 60x80cm with face cutter knife with storage bag Pink [6mm in the edge] 60x80cm with face cutter knife with 8 gifts Green [6mm in the edge] 60x80cm with face cutter knife with lace oil brush with ragPink [6mm in edge thickness] 60x100cm with face cutter with rolling pin with straps with oil brush with rag Pink [6mm in edge thickness] 60x100cm give 8 gifts Green [6mm in edge thickness] 60x100cm give 8 gifts; Pink [Thicker edges 6mm] 40x50cm Bringing surface knife with a rolling pin with strap brush wiper cloth; Green [Thicker edges 6mm] 40x50cm with cutting surface knife with a rolling pin with strap brush wipe cloth; Pink [Thicker edges 6mm] 50x70cm Bringing surface knife with a rolling pin with strap brush wiper cloth; Green [Thicker edges 6mm] 50x70cm Bringing surface knife with a rolling pin with strap brush wiper; Pink [Thicker edges 6mm] 60x80cm with a cutting knife with a rolling pin with a strap brush bristles; Green [Thicker edges 6mm] 60x80cm Bringing surface knife with a rolling pin with strap brush wiper rag; Pink [Thicker edges 6mm] 60x100cm Bringing surface knife with a rolling pin with strap brush wiper rag; Green [Thicker edges 6mm] 60x100cm Bringing surface knife with a rolling pin with strap brush bristles; Pink Rabbit [Thicker edges 6mm] 50x70cm Give 8 Great Gifts; Pink [Thicker edges 6mm] 50x70cm Give 8 Great Gifts; Purple [Thicker edges 6mm] 50x70cm Give 8 Great Gifts; Green [Thicker edges 6mm] 50x70cm Give 8 Great Gifts; Pink Rabbit [Thicker edges 6mm] 60x80cm Give 8 Great Gifts; Pink [Thicker edges 6mm] 60x80cm Give 8 Great Gifts; Purple [Thicker edges 6mm] 60x80cm Give 8 Great Gifts; Green [Thicker edges 6mm] 60x80cm Give 8 Great Gifts; Pink [Thicker edges 6mm] 64x45cm Give 8 Great Gifts; Green [Thicker edges 6mm] 64x45cm Give 8 Great Gifts; Pink [Thicker edges 6mm] 64x45cm Bringing surface knife with a rolling pin with strap brush bristles; Green [Thicker edges 6mm] 64x45cm Bringing surface knife with a rolling pin with strap brush bristles; Mi Bai Bear [Thicker edges 6mm] 40x60cm Give 8 Great Gifts; Mi Bai Xiong [Thicker edges 6mm] 50x70cm Give 8 Great Gifts; Mi Bai Bear [Thicker edges 6mm] 60x80cm Give 8 Great Gifts;
Brand: Shengnan;