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【Waterproof and moisture-proof; 10 pieces of drop package,; 8 pieces of drop package compensation],; 6 pieces of drop package,; 5 pieces of drop package,; 4 pieces of drop package compensation]; 3 pieces of drop package,; 2 pieces of drop package,; 1 drop package compensation] 1,; Drop bag compensation]【concave stick】1,; 10 packages [transparent hooks]; [Waterproof and moisture-proof, drop-off compensation] 10 pieces [Waterproof and moisture-proof, drop-off compensation] 8 pieces [Waterproof and moisture-proof, drop-off compensation] 6 pieces [Waterproof and moisture-proof, drop-off compensation] 5 pieces [Waterproof and moisture-proof, drop-off compensation] 4 pieces [Waterproof and moisture-proof, drop-off compensation] 3 pieces [Waterproof and moisture-proof, drop-off compensation] 2 pieces [Waterproof and moisture-proof, drop-off compensation] 1 piece [Waterproof and moisture-proof, drop-off compensation] [Concave stickers] 1 piece 10 pieces [Transparent hook]; 【Waterproof and moisture-proof, drop-off compensation】10 pieces; 【Waterproof and moisture-proof, drop-off compensation】8 pieces; 【Waterproof and moisture-proof, drop-off compensation】6; 【Waterproof and moisture-proof, drop-off compensation】5; 【Waterproof and moisture-proof, drop-off compensation】4; 【Waterproof and moisture-proof, drop-off compensation】3; 【Waterproof and moisture-proof, drop-off compensation】2 pieces; 【Waterproof and moisture-proof, drop-off compensation】 1; 【Waterproof and moisture-proof, drop-off package compensation】【Concave stickers】1;