Catalog Tableware, kitchenware ادوات طعام ,ادوات مطبخ Disposable tableware Plastic cups

Disposable cup thickened plastic transparent commercial thickened water cup mouth cup household tea cup whole box wholesale

Product information

Code 771864488495
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Status: New
In stock: 0 PCs
Approx weight: 0 kg
Sales volume: 400
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Selected configuration: Sort by color: Special offer catering cup 130ml 1000
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Vendor info

Name: 国货甄选旗舰店
Shop name: 官方国货甄选
Shipping estimate: 4.79
Goods valuation: 4.69
Service evaluation: 4.76
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Sort by color: Special offer catering cup 130ml 1000; Thickened horizontal cup*170m1-1000; Special offer catering cup 130ml-500; Catering Cup 130ml *1000; 180ml 1000 in the thick model in the horizontal cup; 180ml 1000 in the grid cup; Special offer diagonal cup 160ml -1000; Special offer No. 1 Cup 150ml 1000; Special offer No. 1 Cup 150ml 500; Thicker tea art cup 100ml 1000; Activity model catering cup 150ml Trial 50; The thick model in the light cup 180ml 1000; 200ml 1000 in the Air Cup; Big glass, 150m; Big glass, 150 ml; Special offer diagonal cup 160ml 1000; Special offer diagonal cup 160ml500; Midtoped cross -line cup 170ml1000; Midtoped cross -line cup 170ml 500; Zhongtan Squiring Cup 180ml 500; Middle thick light cup 180ml 500; 200ml 500 in the thick light cup; Conventional horizontal grade cup 200ml 1000; Conventional horizontal grade cup 200ml 500; Thicker large horizontal cup 300M1 500; Thickened large horizontal cup 300ml 500; Thickening Mid -number horizontal cup 250ml 500; Extra -thickness medium horizontal cup 210ml 500; Special offer catering cup 130ml 1000 thick horizontal grade cups *170m1-1000 Special offer catering cup 130ml-500 catering cup 130ml *1000 cross-line cups 180ml 1000 mesh cup 180ml 1000 onlySpecial offer diagonal cup 160ml -1000 Special price 1 Cup 150ml 1000 Special Price 1 Cup 150ml 500 Thick Tea Art Cup 100ml 1000 Activities Catering Cup 150ml Test 50 Light Noodle Cup 180ml 1000Aviation Cup thick 200ml 1,000 large catering cup 150m 1000 large catering cup 150ml 500 special oblique cup 160ml 1000 special oblique cup 160ml 500 medium thick horizontal cup 170ml1000 medium -thick horizontal line 170ml500 medium -thick grid cup 180ml 500 medium thick light cup 180ml 500 medium thick light noodle cup 200ml 500 conventional horizontal lines 200ml 1000 conventional horizontal lines 200ml 500 thick large large size largeHorizontal Cup 300M1 500 Thickening Large Henglore Cup 300ml 500 Thickening Mid -line Cup 250ml 500 Special Thick Mid -line Cup 210ml 500 500;
Brand: Full notes;
Place of origin: Chinese mainland;
Goods number: 130-1000;
Source of the image: Autonomous real shot;
Specification: Normal specifications;