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Dipping garlic multifunctional piercing broad bean soybean iron nail sleeve peeling hair bean artifact picking device to protect the beans tool

Product information

Code 768732224303
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Status: New
In stock: 200 PCs
Approx weight: 0 kg
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Selected configuration: Sort by color: Iron nails [two sets]
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Vendor info

Name: 东仙旗舰店
Shop name: 东仙旗舰店
Located in: zhejiang
Shipping estimate: 4.74
Goods valuation: 4.63
Service evaluation: 4.72
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Brand: Dongxian;
Sort by color: Hand cream for nails stainless steel, 10 pieces, 20 pieces, 2 pieces, 2 pieces, 2 pieces, 1 pieces; Iron nails [two sets]; Iron nails [three sets]; Iron nails [five sets]; Iron nails [10 packs]; Iron nails [20 packs]; Hand cream stainless steel for nails, 2 pieces; 2 stainless steel orange peelers + 2 iron nails; Iron nails [1 package];
Goods number: Automatic 133870971515;