Catalog Accessories اكسسوارات Accessories for shoes, bags, belts Shoe Accessories Pads under the heel shoes

Heel sticker, lanyard holder, wear-resistant shoes, half insoles high heels, adjusts shoe size

Product information

Code 765902874305
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Status: New
In stock: 200 PCs
Approx weight: 0 kg
Sales volume for 30 days: 300000
Price per 1 piece :
1.56 $25.42 $
Local delivery:
0.00 $
Quantity: + -
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Selected configuration: Size: Average code
Sort by color: Beige, thin, 3mm
25.42 $
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Vendor info

Name: 天天特卖工厂店
Shop name: 天天特卖工厂
Shipping estimate: 4.78
Goods valuation: 4.68
Service evaluation: 4.75
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Brand: Lechenxiang;
Size: Average code;
Sort by color: Beige, thin, fuchsia, 3mm, 6mm, 3mm, 6mm, 3mm, 6mm, 3mm, 6mm, 3mm, 6mm, 3mm, 6mm, 3mm, 6mm, 3mm, 6mm, 3mm, 6mm, 3 colors, 3mm, 3 colors, 6mm; Beige, thin, 3mm; 【1 pair】Beige thick style/6mm,; 【1 pair】Black thin model/3mm,; 【1 pair】Black thick style/6mm,; Fuchsia, thin, 3mm; 【1 double】Pink thick style/6mm,; 【2 pairs】Beige thick style/6mm,; 【2 pairs】Black thin model/3mm,; 【2 pairs】Black thick/6mm,; 【2 doubles】Pink thick style/6mm,; 【3 pairs】Beige thick style/6mm,; 【3 pairs】Black thin model/3mm,; 【3 pairs】Black thick/6mm,; 【3 pairs】Pink thick/6mm,; Thin, 3 colors, 3mm; 【3 color combination】 Thick model/6mm; 【1 pair】Black thin model/3mm; 【1 pair】Beige thick style/6mm; 【1 double】Pink thick style/6mm; 【1 double】 Black thick model/6mm; 【2 pairs】Black thin model/3mm; 【2 pairs】Beige thick style/6mm; 【2 double】Pink thick style/6mm; 【2 pairs】 Black thick model/6mm; 【3 pairs】Black thin model/3mm; 【3 pairs】Beige thick style/6mm; 【3 pairs】Pink thick/6mm; 【3 Double】 Black thick model/6mm;
Listing season: Summer, 2023;
Goods number: JHGT0123;
Whether to do the same mall: Yes;
Listing time: Summer, 2023;