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[Soft party tactics] GBRS style "SBS Sling" re -engraved strap

Product information

Code 759123293144
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Status: New
In stock: 5 PCs
Approx weight: 0 kg
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Selected configuration: Color: MC color
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Vendor info

Name: super_diana
Shop name: 软趴趴战术
Shipping estimate: 4.97
Goods valuation: 4.98
Service evaluation: 4.97
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Brand: Other/Other;
Place of origin: China;
Listing time: 2019 years, autumn;
Material: Canvas;
Color: MC color; MCBK; BK color; RG color; CB color; AOR1; AOR2; Sand color QD rings pair; Black QD rings pair; Phosphated gray QD rings A pair; Double-point to single-point buckle black (with engraved); Double-point to single-point buckle sand color (with engraving); 2; to; 1; Black; Sand; 2 to 1 black; 2 to 1 sand color;
Suitable: Neutral;
Market price: 88;
Price range: Less than 50 yuan; 51-100 yuan;