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Aluminum electrolytic capacitance 10/16/25/35/50/400v6.8/10/22/47/2200uf green gold high frequency low resistance

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Code 756659189844
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Status: New
In stock: 200 PCs
Approx weight: 0 kg
Sales volume for 30 days: 68
Sales volume: 80000
Price per 1 piece :
0.02 $3.24 $
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3.24 $
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Vendor info

Name: 风影天云雨
Shop name: 广州韩荿电子
Shipping estimate: 4.94
Goods valuation: 4.93
Service evaluation: 4.94
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Capacitor category: Aluminum electrolytic capacitors;
Capacitor structure: Fixed capacitor;
Sort by color: Please consult customer service for other models; 10V1000UF 8x12mm; 16V100UF 5x11mm; 16V220UF 6x7mm; 16V220UF 6x12mm; 16V470UF 8x12mm; 16V1000UF 10x13mm; 16V2200UF 10x20mm; 25V100UF 6x12mm; 25V220UF 6x12mm; 25V470UF 8x12mm; 25V1000UF 10x17mm; 25V2200UF 13x21mm; 35V1000UF 10x20mm; 35V2200UF 13x25mm; 50V10UF 5x11mm; 50V22UF 5x12mm; 50V47UF 6x12mm; 50V220UF 10x13mm; 50V1000UF 13x21mm; 100V47UF 8x12mm; 250V10UF 10x17mm; 400V6.8UF 8x13mm; 400V22UF 13x20mm; Please consult customer service for other models.; 10V1000UF; 8x12mm,; 16V100UF; 5x11mm,; 16V220UF; 6x7mm,; 6x12mm,; 16V470UF; 16V1000UF; 10x13mm,; 16V2200UF; 10x20mm,; 25V100UF; 25V220UF; 25V470UF; 25V1000UF; 10x17mm,; 25V2200UF; 13x21mm,; 35V1000UF; 35V2200UF; 13x25mm,; 50V10UF; 50V22UF; 5x12mm,; 50V47UF; 50V220UF; 50V1000UF; 100V47UF; 250V10UF; 400V6.8UF; 8x13mm,; 400V22UF; 13x20mm;
Brand: Han Yan;