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Pet tear marks wipes to clean eye dirt dogs and cats universal antibacterial cleaning to relieve tears marks Bichon bear Teddy Pomeranian

Product information

Code 754152147807
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Status: New
In stock: 200 PCs
Approx weight: 0 kg
Sales volume for 30 days: 6
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Selected configuration: Sort by color: [Anti-bacterial rate>99.9%] Add 150 tablets to add dosage.
Net weight: 150 pieces
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Vendor info

Name: 嬉皮狗旗舰店
Shop name: 嬉皮狗旗舰店
Shipping estimate: 4.91
Goods valuation: 4.88
Service evaluation: 4.90
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Brand: Hipidog/hippie dog;
Goods number: 2312SPAX7571-GQ23N12.7;
Physical form: Other;
Suitable: Universal;
Specification: Normal specifications;
Net weight: 150 pieces;
Sort by color: [Anti-bacterial rate>99.9%] Add dose of 150 tablets. [Anti-bacterial rate>99.9%] Add dose of 300 tablets. 150 tablets. Eye wipes + 100 draws. Eye wipes + 150 tablets. Eye wipes + 10 tablets. Eye wipes + 50 finger cleansing covers. Eye wipes 150 tablets. Eye wipes + 50 finger cleansing covers. [Collection and purchase] 24-hour shipping] [Anti-bacterial rate>99.9%] Add dose of 150 tablets.; [Anti-bacterial rate>99.9%] Add 150 tablets to add dosage.; 【Anti-bacterial rate > 99.9%】Add 300 tablets to add dosage; Wipes, 150 pieces; Wipes, disposable gloves, 150 pieces, 10 pieces; 150 pieces of eye wipes + 50 pieces of ear cleansing sleeves; 150 pieces of eye wipes + 50 finger covers of teeth;