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Free shipping】Baitang Ping Acarbose Tablets 50mg*30 Tablets/box Diet control treatment for diabetes weight loss, low sugar, lower blood sugar, vitamin K control blood sugar type 2 diabetes weight loss, polyuria, thirst, nocturnal urine chronic diseases

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Code 738309944816
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Vendor info

Name: 豫森百姓健康大药房旗舰店
Shop name: 豫森百姓健康大药房旗舰店
Shipping estimate: 4.83
Goods valuation: 4.82
Service evaluation: 4.84
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Approval Number: State medicine quasi -word H19990205;
Brand: Worship Tang Ping;
Product dosage: Tablet;
Manufacturer: Bayer Medical Health Care Co., Ltd.;
Drug specifications: 50mg*30 tablets/box;
Usage: Oral;
Drug classification: Prescription;
Package Type: 5 boxes, 1 box of 3 boxes; 1 box; 3 boxes; 5 boxes;
Validity period: 24 month;
Pharmaceutical name: Worship Tang Ping; Akobo sugar tablets;
Pharmaceutical category: Chemical;
Dose: For details;
Drug Name: Bye Tang Ping Akapo Sugar Tablets;
For people: Aldult;
Disease: Type 2 diabetes;
Symptom: II diabetes;