Catalog Goods for tourism and recreationبضائع السياحه والترفيه Ration kits

Mandalin volcano soft -hearted cookie Coconut cranberry western cake blueberry flavor mango flavor sandwiches flavor cracker biscuits

Product information

Code 737735501042
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Status: New
In stock: 100 PCs
Approx weight: 0 kg
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Selected configuration: Taste: 500g of raw coconut cake
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Vendor info

Name: 阿suey頭
Shop name: 豆豆的零食王国
Shipping estimate: 4.88
Goods valuation: 4.83
Service evaluation: 4.86
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Taste: 500g of raw coconut cake; Corruption Berry West Cake 500g; Volcano soft heart queen blueberry flavor 500g; Volcano soft heart Cushen Mango cranberry flavor 500g; 4 flavors 500g (available for remarks) (available for remarks); Raw coconut west cake 1000g; Corruption Berry West Cake 1000g; Volcano soft -hearted queen blueberry flavor 1000g; Volcano soft -hearted Mango cranberry flavor 1000g; 4 flavors 1000g (available remarks) (available remarks);