Catalog Tableware, kitchenware ادوات طعام ,ادوات مطبخ Tableware, table Plates, bowls

304 Food -grade stainless steel basin washing vegetables and noodle eggs house kitchen cold salad cooking basin bowl straight edge bowl bowl

Product information

Code 732475125871
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Status: New
In stock: 200 PCs
Approx weight: 0 kg
Sales volume for 30 days: 100000
Sales volume: 200000
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Selected configuration: Sort by color: Stainless steel, silver, 17cm
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Vendor info

Name: 百畅旗舰店
Shop name: 百畅旗舰店
Located in: Guangzhou, Guangdong , Guangdong
Shipping estimate: 4.5
Goods valuation: 4.3
Service evaluation: 5
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Popular elements: Solid color;
Style: Chinese style;
Price range: Less than 9.9 yuan;
Source of the image: Autonomous real shot;
Goods number: BXGLLP0511;
For people: Public;
Place of origin: Chinese mainland;
Geometric: Circular;
Number: 1;
Whether to: No;
Material: Stainless steel;
Pattern: Solid color;
Sort by color: Stainless steel, silver, 17cm; Stainless steel, silver, 19cm; Stainless steel, silver, 22cm; Stainless steel, silver, 24cm; Stainless steel, silver, 26cm; Stainless steel, silver, 28cm; Stainless steel, silver, 31cm; 17+19+22CM cooking basin three-piece set,; 19+22+24CM cooking basin three-piece set,; 22+24+26CM cooking basin three-piece set,; 19cm cream yellow-304 steel,; 22cm cream yellow-304 steel,; 26cm cream yellow-304 steel,; 19cm cream white-304 steel,; 22cm cream white-304 steel,; 26cm cream white-304 steel,; Stainless steel, 24cm; (19+22+26+28) cm silver stainless steel,; Cream set, 19cm, 22cm, 26cm; Cream set, 24cm, 19cm, 22cm, 26cm; 316 stainless steel basin 19cm-white [salad/cuisine basin]/1 piece,; 316 stainless steel basin 22cm-white [salad/cuisine basin]/1 piece,; 316 stainless steel basin 26cm-white [salad/cuisine basin]/1 piece,; 316 stainless steel basin 19cm-green [salad/cuisine basin]/1 piece,; 316 stainless steel basin 22cm-green [salad/cuisine basin]/1 piece,; 316 stainless steel basin 26cm-green [salad/cuisine basin]/1 piece,; 316 stainless steel basin 19cm-yellow [salad/cuisine basin]/1 piece,; 316 stainless steel basin 22cm-yellow [salad/cuisine basin]/1 piece,; 316 stainless steel basin 26cm-yellow [salad/cooking basin]/1; Silver cream white green yellow set stainless steel, 17cm, 19cm, 22cm, 24cm, 26cm, 28cm, 31cm, 19cm, 22cm, 24cm, 26cm, 28cm, 22cm, 3 piece set, 24cm, 26cm, 19cm, 22cm, 26cm, 19cm, 22cm, 26cm, 24cm, 19cm, 22cm, 26cm, 24cm, 19cm, 22cm, 26cm, 19cm, 22cm, 26cm, 24cm, 19cm, 22cm, 26cm, 19cm, 22cm, 26cm, 19cm, 22cm, 26cm, 19cm, 22cm, 26cm; 17+19+22cm cooking pot three -piece set; 19+22+24cm cooking pot three -piece set; 22+24+26cm cooking pot three -piece set; Cream, 19cm; Cream, 22cm; Cream, 26cm; (19+22+26+28) CM silver stainless steel; 316 stainless steel basin 19cm-white [salad/cooking basin]/1; 316 stainless steel basin 22cm-white [salad/cooking basin]/1; 316 stainless steel basin 26cm-white [salad/cooking basin]/1; 316 stainless steel basin 19cm-green [salad/cooking basin]/1; 316 stainless steel basin 22cm-green [salad/cooking basin]/1; 316 stainless steel basin 26cm-green [salad/cooking basin]/1; 316 stainless steel basin 19cm-yellow [salad/cooking basin]/1; 316 stainless steel basin 22cm-yellow [salad/cooking basin]/1;
Brand: Unrestrained;