Catalog Tableware, kitchenware ادوات طعام ,ادوات مطبخ Disposable tableware Film food

Food resistance to high temperature at one time plastic wrap

Product information

Code 730231236891
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Status: New
In stock: 200 PCs
Approx weight: 0 kg
Sales volume for 30 days: 10000
Price per 1 piece :
3.84 $4.98 $
Local delivery:
0.00 $
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Selected configuration: Number: 1
Sort by color: Point break -up 30 width × 200 sheets
4.98 $
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Vendor info

Name: 国货甄选旗舰店
Shop name: 官方国货甄选
Shipping estimate: 4.79
Goods valuation: 4.69
Service evaluation: 4.76
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Number: 1;
Sort by color: Point break -up 30 width × 200 sheets; Point break -up 25 width × 200 sheets; 25 width × 500 meters (economic model); 25 width × 1000 meters (economic model); 30 width × 300 meters (economic model); 30 width × 400 meters (economic model); 30 width × 1000 meters (family funds); 30 width x 1500 meters (extended version); 30 width × 2000 meters (enough for 5 years); 35 width × 700 meters (economic model); 35 width x 1000 meters (extended version); 40 width x 1000 meters (extended version); 40 width × 700 meters (economic model); 45 width x 1000 meters (extended version); 45 width × 700 meters (economic model); 50 width × 600 meters (economic model); Point break -up 25 width × 600 sheet; Point break -up 25 width × 1000 sheets; Point break -up 30 width × 600 sheet; Point broken 30 width × 900 sheet; Point break -up 30 width × 200 pieces of break -off 25 width × 200 air 25 × 500 meters (economic model) 25 width × 1000 meters (economic model) 30 width × 300 meters (economic model) 30 width × 400 meters (economyModel) 30 width × 1000 meters (family funds) 30 width × 1500 meters (extended models) 30 width × 2000 meters (enough 5 years) 35 width × 700 meters (economic model) 35 width × 1000 meters (extended models extended model) 40 width × 1000 meters (extended money) 40 width × 700 meters (economic model) 45 width × 1000 meters (extended model) 45 width × 700 meters (economic model) 50 -width × 600 meters (economic model) point breakFormat 25 width × 600 point break -off 25 width × 1000 point break -off 30 width × 600 pieces break -up 30 width × 900 sheet;
Brand: Membei Fairy;
Material: PE;
Place of origin: Chinese mainland;
Size: 20CMX20M;
Types of packaging: Decoration;
Heavy hair: 1.5;
Goods number: 0026;
Source of the image: Autonomous real shot;
Preservation film category: Microwave oven dedicated;
Heat -resistant temperature: -60 ℃ -140 ℃;
Specification: Normal specifications;
Package volume: 10;