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Product information

Code 723044193765
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Status: New
In stock: 200 PCs
Approx weight: 0 kg
Sales volume: 100
Price per 1 piece :
24.77 $2.57 $
Local delivery:
0.00 $
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Selected configuration: Sort by color: 15 face width [2 layer] free installation of two -sided drawing paper with pulleys
2.57 $
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Vendor info

Name: 无敌魔力瞎
Shop name: 陌百
Shipping estimate: 4.87
Goods valuation: 4.84
Service evaluation: 4.86
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Brand: DIY;
Goods number: a330;
For people: Young man;
Size: 18cm;
Applicable scene: Bathroom;
Decorative material: Plastic;
Applicable space: Bathroom;
Sort by color: 15 face width [2 layer] free installation of two -sided drawing paper with pulleys; 15 face width [3 layers] free installation of two sides with paper with pulleys; 15 face width [4 layers] free installation of two -sided drawing paper with pulleys; 17 Face Width [3 layers] free installation of two -sided drawing paper with pulleys; 17 face width [4 layer] free installation of two sides with paper with pulleys; 17 Face Width [5 layers] free installation of two -sided drawing paper with pulleys; 18-sided width [2-layer short model] No installation on both sides of paper; 18-sided width [2-layer high-end model] No installation on both sides of paper pulleys; 18-sided width [3 layers] pictures are released and returned to 20; 18-sided width [4 layers] Refund 30; 3-layer without wheels - required installation; 4-layer without wheels - required installation; 5-layer without wheels - required installation; 6-layer without wheels - required installation; 22 Face Width [2 layers] free installation of two -sided pumping paper with pulleys; 22 Face Width [3 layers] free installation of two -sided drawing paper with pulleys; 22 Face Width [4 layers] free installation of two -sided pumping paper with pulleys; 25 Face Width [3 layers] free installation of two -sided pumping paper with pulleys; 25 Face Width [4 layers] free installation of two -sided drawing paper with pulleys; 25 Face Width [5 layers] free installation of two -sided pumping paper with pulleys; 16 Face Width [2 layers] free installation of two -sided drawing paper with pulleys; 16 Face Width [3 layers] free installation of two -sided drawing paper with pulleys; 16 Face Width [4 layers] free installation of two -sided drawing paper with pulleys; 2-layer dwarf-pearl white without pulleys free installation; 2-layer height-pearl white has a pulley free installation; 3-layer high model-pearl white has a pulle on a pulley free installation; 4-layer high model-pearl white has a pulle on a pulley free installation; 3 layers without wheel-gray; 4 layer without wheel-gray; 5 layer without wheel-gray; 6 layer without wheel-gray;