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Simple small bookshelf desk landing shelf book book book bookblocks can move children's textbooks to move children's textbooks

Product information

Code 722792825319
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Status: New
In stock: 200 PCs
Approx weight: 0 kg
Sales volume for 30 days: 41
Price per 1 piece :
55.14 $474.28 $
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0.00 $
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Selected configuration: Sort by color: [Style with hole board] White rack + white board (6 layers) pen holder + partition + hook
474.28 $
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Vendor info

Name: 艾雅家具有限公司
Shop name: 艾雅家居有限公司
Shipping estimate: 4.88
Goods valuation: 4.82
Service evaluation: 4.86
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Sort by color: [Style with hole board] White rack + white board (6 layers) pen holder + partition + hook; [Style with hole plate] White rack + walnut board (6 layers) pen holder + partition + hook; [Style with hole board] White rack + walnut board (6 layers) for hook; [Style with hole board] White rack + white board (6 layers) send hook; [Storage desktop model] White rack + white board (6 layers); [Storage desktop model] White rack + walnut (6 layers); [Storage desktop model] Black rack + blackboard (6 layers); [Net Basket Storage] White Shelf (6-layer); [Net Basket Storage] Black frame (6 floors); [Net Basket Storage] White Shelf (5th Floor);
Brand: Other/Other;
Model: Desktop bookshelf;
Material: Metal;
Popular elements: Happy; Beans series;
Give a gift by relationship: Child;
Listing time: 2023-06-01;