Catalog Other sections اقسام اخرى Household cleaning products and personal hygiene products For washing and drying Hangers

Socks for elementary school students, underwear, drying rack, hanger

Product information

Code 720401715254
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Status: New
In stock: 0 PCs
Approx weight: 0 kg
Sales volume for 30 days: 84
Sales volume: 800
Price per 1 piece :
7.09 $3.43 $
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0.00 $
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Selected configuration: Sort by color: ----------- The following is ❤ Wind-proof hook-not afraid of the wind blowing ---------
3.43 $
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Vendor info

Name: 御梳世家彼岸专卖店
Shop name: wenly舒佳宜专卖店
Shipping estimate: 4.86
Goods valuation: 4.82
Service evaluation: 4.85
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Sort by color: ----------- The following is ❤ Wind-proof hook-not afraid of the wind blowing ---------; [Upgrade windproof model-color] Buy one get one free and one in total; [Upgrade windproof model-green grass green] Buy one get one free and one in total; [Upgraded windproof model-Vitality Orange] Buy one get one free and one in total; [Upgrade windproof model-color] Buy two gets, two, two total four branches; [Upgrade windproof model-green grass green] Buy two gets two and two total four branches; [Upgrade windproof model-Vitality Orange] Buy two gets two and two total four branches; [Upgrade windproof model-color] Buy three gets, three, three, and six branches; [Upgrade windproof model-green grass green] Buy three gets, three, three, and six branches; [Upgrade windproof model-Vitality Orange] Buy three gets and three, three, and six branches; ----------- The following is ❤ ❤ Yicu hook-easy to hang up high place ---------; [Upgrade clothing fork-color] Buy one get one free and one in total; [Upgrade clothing fork-green grass green] Buy one get one free and one in total; [Upgrade clothing fork-color] Buy two gets, two, two total four branches; [Upgrade clothing fork-green grass green] Buy two gets, two, two total four branches; [Upgrade clothing fork-color] Buy three gets, three, three, and six branches; [Upgrade clothing fork-green grass green] Buy three free and three totals and six branches; [Upgrade Windproof Windproof-Color] Buy one get one free; Two in total; [Upgrade Windproof Equity-Green Cao Green] Buy one get one get one free; [Upgrade Windproof Equity-Vitality Orange] Buy one get one get one free; [Upgrade Windproof Windproof Wind-Color] Buy two get two gets two; A total of four; [Upgrade Windproof Equity-Green Cao Green] Buy two get two get two free; [Upgrade Windproof Equity-Vitality Orange] Buy two get two get two free; [Upgrade Windproof Windproof-Color] Buy three get three gets three; Six; [Upgrade Windproof Equity-Green Cao Green] Buy three get three get three get; [Upgrade Windproof Equity-Vitality Orange] Buy three get three gets three; [Upgrade Yifan model-color] Buy one get one get one free; [Upgrade clothing fork-green grass green] Buy one get one free; [Upgrade Yifu Model-Color] Buy Two Get and Two; [Upgrade clothing fork-green grass green] Buy two get two gets two; [Upgrade clothing fork-color] Buy three get three get three get; [Upgrade clothing fork-green grass green] Buy three get three get three get;
Brand: Yugujia family;
Material: Plastic;
Style: Japanese;
Place of origin: Chinese mainland;
Applicable space: Balcony/courtyard;
Goods number: 4077-YSBA-02;
Length: 40CM;
For people: Public;